bull nettle

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Noun1.bull nettle - coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruitbull nettle - coarse prickly weed having pale yellow flowers and yellow berrylike fruit; common throughout southern and eastern United States
nightshade - any of numerous shrubs or herbs or vines of the genus Solanum; most are poisonous though many bear edible fruit
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References in periodicals archive ?
The leaves from six different plant species were research: Ribwort Plantain (Herba Plantaginis lanceolatae); Stinging nettle or bull nettle (Urtica dioica L.--Urticaceae); Small-leaved Lime (Tilia cordata); Strawberry (Fragariae herba); Maple (Acer palmatum); Common Polypody (Polypodium vulgare).
The pasture--blanketed with tangled prickly pear and "rat-tail" cactus, yucca, cedar, scrubby persimmon and elm, bee brush, bull nettle, sticker burrs, mesquite, and a variety of other spined plants and trees--was almost impassable.
* I use the following to boil, juice and can or freeze, then spray on my plants: onions, garlic, chives, dandelion, jemson weed, hot pepper, cactus, bull nettle, milk weed, thistle, chickweed, mint, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, turnips, kale, and mustard.