

a Scot word for bright
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Bricht is the ring o wirds Say little, say it weel An aa we ask, oor maisters, Ploo an honest dreel."
Mehr Umweltschutz auf EU-Ebene musste bedeuten, dass die neue Kommission mit der durch die Konservativen vorangetriebenen Fokussierung auf Wachstum endlich bricht und ihre Prioritaten konsequent an den Sustainable Development Goals der Vereinten Nationen ausrichtet.
Nonetheless, the noted "Scotch comedian" W F Frame of "Hooch Aye" fame delighted local audiences with his "Scotch comicalities" and his catch-phrase: "It's a brae, bricht, moonlight nicht, tonight, Hooch Aye."
Bach's "Bricht an" from The Christmas Oratorio.) The
* Wer kann mir sagen was diese Welt wert ist, wenn der Mensch den du liebst dir dein Herz bricht *
For a society which had to live with the grim reality of high mortality as an everyday reality, there is something more than poetic fancy in the depiction of the child's on-going relationship with her deceased mother who continues to send 'her ain bricht spirit doon' (l.
Margaret is: 'pleasand, cleir and quhit, / Moir blitht and bricht na is the beriale schene' ('pleasant, pure and white / More happy and bright than shining crystal'; 'Gladethe', 33-34).