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References in periodicals archive ?
In his discussion of antisemitic violence in Kiev, Natan Meir cites an 1884 report from Kiev describing the escalation of a marketplace dispute between a Jewish woman and a Christian woman: "Part of the throng scattered the Jewish woman's dried fish all over the market, while others went after the woman's husband, crying 'Beat the Jews!'" (15) Charters Wynn, drawing from newspaper and archival reports from the Briansk riots in 1898, describes the proliferation of a mob following the murder of a worker by a Circassian guard: "The flames and shouting acted as magnets, and the crowd quickly swelled to some two thousand rioters, according to conservative estimates." (16) Moreover, with his description of loose feathers, Gorky is offering a common reference point for the pogroms of the 1880s.
Synopsis: In his research work, Igor' Sdvizhkov focuses on the history of the combat operations of the summer of 1942 on the Briansk and Voronezh Fronts--using archival materials from the Russian Defense Ministry's Central Archive, the Russian Academy of Science's Institute of Russian History and the US National Archive
(45) Many peasants came from Kursk, Briansk, or other western provinces of Soviet Russia or from regions in Belarus and Ukraine seriously affected by the war.
Outre les gouverneurs des regions de l'Amour (Extreme-Orient), Belgorod (ouest), Riazan (sud-ouest), Novgorod (nord-ouest) et Briansk (sud-ouest), elus avec des scores allant de 65% a 79%, des scrutins locaux ont eu lieu dans plus de 70 regions, suscitant une faible mobilisation.
Trubchevsk (Briansk district, Russia); found in a hoard, together with other bow fibulae (two of Werner's class II A, two other of Werner's class II B), silver-and copper-alloy torcs, au repousse copper-alloy pendants, and perforated strap ends and mounts; copper-alloy; 1A2A3A4A5E; Prikhodnyuk et al.
The Soviet Union held trials in Krasnodar, Khar'kov, Briansk, Leningrad, Riga, Minsk, and other venues from 1943 to the early 1950s.
The army colonel, based at Briansk, then made the cruel property ultimatum.
Those Beglopopovtsi trends which have not recognised the Belokrinitza hierarchy have their spiritual centre in the town of Novozibkovo, in Briansk province.
In the case of Belorussian and Russian, there obviously exist some related speech forms which are heard on both sides of the linguistic (and administrative) border between the historical areas of the two languages: for example, the dialects of Russian spoken in the Smolensk and Briansk regions of the Russian Federation demonstrate some features shared with neighbouring Belorussian dialects.