breathing rate

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breathing rate

nfrequenza respiratoria
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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For instance, monitoring of the breathing rate requires the attachment of adhesive electrodes to their delicate skin.
Other sensors can monitor breathing rate - even while the user is asleep - and temperature, and will offer solutions accordingly, including playing music to ease stress.
Likewise, and advanced connected equipment that measures and records horizontal and vertical jump height, breathing rate, calories burned, minimum and average speeds and overall horse health.
In dhyana (meditation), awareness is drawn to the object of meditation and while doing so, the breathing rate gets slower effortlessly, often to less than one breath per minute.
RAPID BREATHING IN SOME cases, bronchiolitis 4 can become severe and cause children to struggle to breathe - their breathing rate can increase to 50-60 breaths a minute or they may develop a temperature of 38degC (100.4degF) or higher.
Freespira corrects the abnormal respiratory patterns associated with these conditions by training the user to stabilize and normalize their breathing rate and exhaled CO2 levels.
In hot weather, if you're physically active or if you have a fever, you'll lose more fluid from sweating and your increased breathing rate. That means you'll need to drink far more fluid on a hot day than a cold one.
Funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), it will collect information on routine observations, such as heart rate, temperature and breathing rate.
This means they have a normal breathing rate and are not experiencing chest retractions.