
Related to boatie: bow tie


informal Austral and NZ a boating enthusiast
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Anyone going out on a boat knows there could be danger involved; you will either sink or swim, (as could I up here) so like any good boatie, I've brought my life jacket along with me just in case!
The patented ABL2500 is the world's first disruptive marine technology that solves a major universal boatie dilemma.
Malaysian cyclist Josiah Ng alleged Sutton called him 'Boatie', which could be interpreted as a reference to people sailing from Asia to seek asylum in Australia.
Shane used to always call me 'boatie.' .' I could have taken offense (sic) and maybe I should have but I choose to shrug it off as his twisted sense of humor (sic).
Former track cyclist Josiah Ng, 36, has also waded into the row by claiming Sutton called him "boatie", which is regarded as a reference to people sailing from Asia to seek asylum in Australia.
The most daunting experience for any beginner boatie is steering the narrowboat through the tunnels, where daylight only reaches through the occasional ventilating chimney, and bats whip overhead.
Once the girl on the door came to terms with the fact one of us was wearing boatie shoes - "You can't come in wearing boatie shoes," she said to our incredulous faces - we squeezed up the tight staircase to the action.
Harken's new classic leather deckshoes have the polished look of the traditional "boatie" with the fit and grip of modern athletic footwear.
You don't need to be an experienced boatie to hire a cabin cruiser for a holiday on water.
The Saar river and canals, which run along the border between France and Germany, used to be a coal-transporting route but now it's the ideal place for a first-time boatie, as there's plenty of room to bump into the banks before you've got the hang of steering your boat through the locks.