bicycle shorts

bicycle shorts

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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From huge over-sized hats to tiny bicycle shorts, there are plenty of terrifying new fashion trends being unleashed for springsummer 2019.
And that's what happened with bicycle shorts this year.
Sporting a pair of 90s style bicycle shorts with an oversized hoodie, Kim also wore a pair of chunky trainers and thick white ankle socks.
"The whole 90s, I don't know what my mum was letting me wear - scrunchies and bicycle shorts.
According to Anchorage Daily News, at least four mushers are testing the pee pants, which look like bicycle shorts with a funnel and tube that runs to a collection bag that is attached to the musher's boot.
The 51-year-old Alvadore woman was wearing a baby blue bikini top and matching "hot pants" shorts (over black bicycle shorts) that she said she bought from the very same Wal-Mart a year ago.
Instead of training, I immersed myself in researching and buying gear: a new Bianchi Volpe, clipless pedals and shoes, an expensive seat, an odometer, two pairs of spandex bicycle shorts, gloves and sunglasses, Other than a few articles of clothing, a journal and a book, I carried little else in my panniers, the saddle bags attached to racks on the front and rear wheels.
"I'm passed being embarrassed about all that," she says breezily before adding that "I did have bicycle shorts on underneath my operating gown to save someone's blushes."
It makes me want to pull on those bicycle shorts, stick out my not-inconsiderable chest, tousle my hair, paint my lips blood red and let someone take a picture of me eating a juicy red apple, like some Wicked Witch Of The Fridge.
It could be the older, hairy gentleman with the beer gut straining the seams of his David Hasselhoff Speedo at the local pool, or our somewhat rotund Aunt Sally who should have hung up the bicycle shorts during the Nixon administration, who catches our eye.
The others sported second-skin-tight bicycle shorts or kaleidoscopic, ridiculously baggy pants obviously stolen from Barnum & Bailey.