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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bedsitter - a furnished sitting room with sleeping accommodations (and some plumbing)bedsitter - a furnished sitting room with sleeping accommodations (and some plumbing)
apartment, flat - a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house
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Then they can carry on with their job without asking obvious questions like 'if you use firewood to cook' yet you are in a bedsitter on the 10th floor of a flat in Embakasi.
One of my biggest nightmares during my stay in the bedsitter was the use of the shared bathrooms.
"We were going from Birmingham New Street station to south Birmingham where I was living and we were listening on the radio to everything that was going on and then when we got to my bedsitter, a certain romantic person got down on one knee and proposed."
The King's Road in Chelsea was where we used to hang out occasionally as penniless students pretending to be part of the fashionable swinging London scene; actually we were more part of the bedsitter scene around Notting Hill Gate and Bayswater with only occasional forays into Earl's Court to drink coffee and talk about zodiac signs with girls at the Troubadour in Old Brompton Road.
And that means way back to 1967's Bedsitter Images.
Al will be playing acoustic versions from his musical backpages, going all the way back to the bedsit with Bedsitter Images.
The book starts with an achieved suicide and ends with one being contemplated in 'Not Not While the Giro', where a thirty-year-old ex-criminal on unemployment benefit sits out two days in complete penury--'in a single bedsitter with sole use of a kitchenette whose shelves are presently idle'--waiting for his next cheque to arrive.
His son Michael was born in 1949, followed by two daughters - Jane and Charlotte Working with director Bryan Forbes, he starred in gritty, realistic films such as The Angry Silence about trade unionism and The L-Shaped Room set in bleak bedsitter London The epic biopic Gandhi, which he directed, was a lifelong passion that took him 20 years to film His faith was rewarded with eight Oscars and a profit of over PS100m He continued to act, notably starring in Jurassic Park Away from films, he held a vast number of positions, notably as chairman of Channel 4 from 1987 to 1993 and leading roles at Bafta and Rada He had been wheelchair-bound since a fall in 2008.
Sir William Turner created the complex in 1676, with a free school for girls housed at one side of the courtyard, and an equal number of boys on the other as well as a school master's house, and 20 very small bedsitter ground floor dwellings for needy pensioners of good character (hopefully all very clean in their habits as they only had one bath between them until 2001).
to his bedsitter, make love to him, vanish into the darkness, reappear the next night" and "again embrace him, again, on the stroke of midnight, vanish, and so forth, thereby transforming his life" (Y 52).
In Tea in the Bedsitter - one of Kirklees' art treasures - his fiancee and her friend are sitting at the tea table in what is recognisably his flat.