bedroom tax

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bedroom tax

(Social Welfare) informal Brit a reduction in housing benefit for occupants of council housing who have more rooms than they are deemed to require
[C21: on the model of poll tax, council tax, from the perception that the government is taxing spare bedrooms]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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One of the organisers, Martin Jones, said: "It's important to keep the subject of the bedroom tax and benefits cuts in the spotlight to keep the pressure on the government, whose attacks on benefits have resulted in hunger, debt and fear.
WHEN the Bedroom Tax result was announced yesterday, panic flashed across Tory faces quicker than you could say "Spare Room Subsidy".
DEMAND for housing support funds in Wales has more than trebled since the government introduced its controversial bedroom tax.
YOU SAID: Build more homes for people to live in so they don't have to pay bedroom tax then it will go along way for them to keep their homes.
MORE than 60 households in Coventry and Warwickshire have been forced out of their homes by the benefits cap and so-called 'bedroom tax.'.
Nearly 50 households in Teesside have been forced out of their homes by the benefits cap and so-called "bedroom tax".
Our story online looking at five years on from the introduction of the bedroom tax and how many families have been forced out by it sparked some debate on Facebook.
MORE than 400 people in the Vale of Glamorgan are being hit by the "bedroom tax", figures have revealed.
ONE in every eight people on housing benefit in Merseyside has had their benefits cut by the bedroom tax, new figures have revealed.
ONE in every 11 people on housing benefit in the West Midlands has had their benefits cut by the bedroom tax, new figures have revealed.
ALMOST 3,500 homes in Newcastle are still losing an average of PS14 a week because of the bedroom tax. While the number of city households hit by the benefit change has more than halved since it was introduced in 2013, those affected still lose an estimated PS2.35m per year.