bed wetting

Also found in: Medical.
énurésie nocturne

bed wetting

n enuresis f (form), (el) orinarse en la cama, (el) mojar la cama
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The Results: The risks of teens diagnosed with ADHD also having a diagnosis of allergy, asthma, enuresis (nocturnal bed wetting), headache/migraine, and serious stomach or bowel problems were increased compared to teens without ADHD.
A Nightmares B Insomnia C Bed wetting D Sleep-walking 10.
What I didn't like about my brother, when we were younger, was his bed wetting - and the fact he had the top bunk.
My youngest, while gaining man of the match for his miraculous save in an under-7s footy game, is struggling with night-time bed wetting, which means he wakes up most mornings in tears.
A remote control facilitates using the DryBuddy bed wetting alarm system.
With any kind of certificate at this point being a dream and sleepless nights, bed wetting, anxious tears and countless playground disputes the norm, I was forced to challenge my own desires to teach Charlie the skills to function in a mainstream setting and embrace his need for an education within a specified unit designed to meet his autistic social and communication needs.
This fails to occur in kids with bed wetting problem so the child continues to produce significant urine volume during the night and fill the bladder," Rage said.
Medical Justice, which sends doctors to the centres, said more than half of the children in the 141 cases it had looked at since April 2004 suffered psychological harm, with symptoms including bed wetting, loss of bowel control, heightened anxiety and food refusal.
In time, almost all children outgrow bed wetting. Once a doctor has determined there is no physical cause for it, children, their parents, and their health care providers can consider ways to tackle the problem.
The stigma of bed wetting can be hard for kids to handle and no child wants to feel they are unable to control their body.