bed of roses

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bed of roses

A state of great comfort or luxury.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

bed′ of ros′es

a situation of luxurious ease.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.bed of roses - a flower bed in which roses are growingbed of roses - a flower bed in which roses are growing
bed of flowers, flower bed, flowerbed - a bed in which flowers are growing
rose garden - a garden for growing roses
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
فِراش من الزُّهور، نعيم، رغْد، رفاهِيَه
ráj na zemi
dans på roser
hægîarleikur; dans á rósum
raj na zemi
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(bed) noun
1. a piece of furniture, or a place, to sleep on. The child sleeps in a small bed; a bed of straw.
2. the channel (of a river) or floor (of a sea) etc.
3. a plot in a garden. a bed of flowers.
4. layer. a bed of chalk below the surface.
-bedded suffix
having (a certain number or type of) bed(s). a double-bedded room.
ˈbedding noun
mattress, bedclothes etc.
ˈbedbug noun
a small blood-sucking insect that lives in houses, especially beds.
ˈbedclothes (-kləuðz) , ((American) -kləuz) noun plural
sheets, blankets etc.
ˈbedcover noun
a top cover for a bed.
ˈbedridden adjective
in bed for a long period because of age or sickness. She has been bedridden since the car accident.
ˈbedroom noun
a room for sleeping in.
ˈbedside noun
the place or position next to a person's bed. He was at her bedside when she died; (also adjective) a bedside table.
ˈbedspread noun
a top cover for a bed. Please remove the bedspread before you get into bed.
ˈbedtime noun
the time at which one normally goes to bed. Seven o'clock is the children's bedtime; (also adjective) a bedtime story.
bed and breakfast
lodging for the night, and breakfast only (not lunch or dinner).
bed of roses
an easy or comfortable place, job etc. Life is not a bed of roses.
go to bed
1. to get into bed. I'm sleepy – I think I'll go to bed now; What time do you usually go to bed?
2. (often with with) to have sexual intercourse with; to have a love affair with.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
He learned that suffering and freedom have their limits and that those limits are very near together; that the person in a bed of roses with one crumpled petal suffered as keenly as he now, sleeping on the bare damp earth with one side growing chilled while the other was warming; and that when he had put on tight dancing shoes he had suffered just as he did now when he walked with bare feet that were covered with sores- his footgear having long since fallen to pieces.
the vessel in which you wished to fry us is still smoking; and the situation in which you are is a bed of roses compared to that in which you wished to place us and in which you have placed Monsieur Groslow and his companions."
In the latter particular, even the quiet spirit of Miss Emmerson joined him, and Julia herself was occasionally made sensible that she was not reposing "on a bed of roses."
Though his duties as his proprietor's grubber were in no wise lessened; and though that service bore no greater resemblance to a bed of roses than was to be discovered in its many thorns; some new branch of industry made a constant demand upon him.
All things considered therefore, and addition made of the state of his body to the state of his mind, the bed on which Mr Dolls reposed was a bed of roses from which the flowers and leaves had entirely faded, leaving him to lie upon the thorns and stalks.
However, it was not all a bed of roses for des Lupeaulx; he flattered and advised his master, forced to flatter in order to advise, to advise while flattering, and disguise the advice under the flattery.
His healthy appearance, good colour, sound, though discoloured teeth, sturdy figure, preoccupied air during business hours, and jolly good humour during his game at cards in the evening, all bore witness to his success in life, and combined to make existence a bed of roses to his excellency.
" Am I then on a bed of roses?" he had exclaimed to himself, sitting at some distance with his eyes fixed upon that figure of sorrow.
It is clear to him that governing Pakistan is not a bed of roses but a bed of thorns.
A vacation to Anantara Al Jabal Al Akhdar Resort promises to be a bed of roses as the resort celebrates the return of the highly anticipated Rose Season.
Her notable works so far are Kebol ee Raat Hoye Jai, Sixty Nine, Brazentina, Bahattor Ghonta, Day Out, Golapbhromon, Angry Bird and Doob: No Bed of Roses.
He added, 'Life is not a bed of roses; one has to work hard to achieve the goals in life and I have been fortunate enough to work here under a leadership that has been visionary right throughout.