Beaver skin

the furry skin of the beaver.

See also: Beaver

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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References in classic literature ?
Every now and then a large body of Ottawas, Hurons, and other tribes who hunted the countries bordering on the great lakes, would come down in a squadron of light canoes, laden with beaver skins, and other spoils of their year's hunting.
Twelve, fifteen, eighteen months would often elapse without any tidings of them, when they would come sweeping their way down the Ottawa in full glee, their canoes laden down with packs of beaver skins. Now came their turn for revelry and extravagance.
I would wager fifty beaver skins against as many flints, that the Mohicans and I enter their wigwams within the month!
He knew it for a Hudson Bay Company gun of the young days in the Northwest, when such a gun was worth its height in beaver skins packed flat, And that was all--no hint as to the man who in an early day had reared the lodge and left the gun among the blankets.
For example, the HBC's official standard of trade valued one beaver skin as equal to three marten skins despite the French valuing one beaver skin as equal to one or two marten skins.
Animal rights activists might be startled by a beaver skin cushion on the bed, but the fur trade was part of the history of the Huron-Wendat Nation.
the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland was inspired by Montreal's ancient trade in beaver skin hats which were dipped in mercury to hold their shape.; MAKING A SPLASH...
The beaver skin felt top hat is typical of the clothing the federal government gave the Indian Chiefs to impress them.
Offered from Granham Farm as agent, this youngster will be adding to the family's international credentials when going into training with Bill Keratsas-the 'Greek Lester Piggott'-as her dam, Beaver Skin Hunter, has had runners in Belgium and France so far.
Jacques Marquette said that the local Indians gave beaver skins as gifts.
Beavers were hunted to extinction in Scotland in the 1600s and beaver skins were imported from Scandinavia and later from the American colonies to supply the hatters'trade.
In 1849, little federal money circulated in Oregon, and the territory needed a more efficient way to conduct commerce than bartering with beaver skins, wheat and other commodities, or using gold dust, according to the 1932 article "Pioneer Gold Money," written by Leslie Scott and published in the Oregon Historical Quarterly.