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1. A sauce consisting of eggs, lemon juice, and broth.
2. A soup flavored with this sauce and often containing orzo or rice and meat.

[Modern Greek avgolémono : avgó, egg (back-formation from pl. avgá, back-formation from t'avgá, the eggs, contraction of *ta ogá : ta, neuter pl. definite article + *ogá, eggs + from Greek ōia, pl. of ōion, egg; see awi- in Indo-European roots) + lemóni, lemon (from Italian limone, from Old Italian; see lemon).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Cookery) a Greek soup made with eggs, lemon juice, and rice
[C20: from Modern Greek]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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You'll be treated to lovingly-prepared traditional staples like saganaki (a cheese appetizer), avgolemono (a lemon-infused chicken soup) and huge plates of baklava.
3 Now make the avgolemono. Place the stock in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
features a choice of potato leek with bacon soup or avgolemono; salad; entrees like traditional roasted turkey and gravy, brown sugar-glazed smoked ham with pineapple glaze or prime rib; sides like brioche stuffing or roasted honey-glazed sweet potatoes; and dessert of pumpkin pie or vanilla cheesecake with candied pecans and caramel.
Among the dishes making their debut on QA flights is one of Calombaris's personal favourites, Avgolemono a classic Greek egg and lemon soup.
Among the dishes making their debut on Qatar Airways flights is one of Calombaris's personal favourites, Avgolemono (a classic Greek egg and lemon soup).
Avgolemono, a Greek sauce made with eggs, lemon and warm broth is another promising wholesome dish.
The creamy sauce is created with eggs and lemon with a very similar taste to that of the commonly known Greek soup avgolemono while the addition of fresh spinach and herbs added a nice texture and slightly spicy after taste.
LET'S start with a Sunday roast and break it down into leftovers, the way my mother always did - although in her case it was a chicken made into Chinese chicken curries and avgolemono soup, recipes for which are available on my blog.
Let's start with a Sunday roast, and break it down into leftovers, the way my mother always did - although in her case it was a chicken made into Chinese chicken curries and Greek avgolemono soup, recipes for which are available on my blog.
It was a delicious serving of warm grape leaves filled with seasoned ground beef and rice with avgolemono sauce, a lemony egg sauce.
"Then we will make a nice avgolemono soup, that's egg-lemon soup, fry some sikoti - lamb liver - with onions, and roast a tray of Cyprus potatos.
The kitchen specializes in Greek favorites but expands the offerings to include other Mediterranean dishes, so you'll find items such as shrimp scampi, seared scallops, chicken Florentine, pork tenderloin and calamari along with more familiar Greek Isles specialties such as moussaka, gyro platter, dolmades, grilled Kasseri cheese, spanakopita and that wonderful soulful avgolemono soup, which is absolutely delicious at Apollonia.