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tr.v. as·signed, as·sign·ing, as·signs
1. To select for a duty or office; appoint: firefighters assigned to the city's industrial park. See Synonyms at appoint.
2. To set apart for a particular purpose or place in a particular category; designate: assigned the new species to an existing genus. See Synonyms at allocate.
3. To give out as a task; allot: assigned homework to the class.
4. To ascribe; attribute: assigned blame for the loss to a lack of good defense. See Synonyms at attribute.
5. To match or pair with: assign a value to each of the variables.
6. Law To transfer (property, rights, or interests) from one to another.
n. Law
An assignee.

[Middle English assignen, from Old French assigner, from Latin assignāre : ad-, ad- + signāre, to mark (from signum, sign; see sekw- in Indo-European roots).]

as·sign′a·bil′i·ty n.
as·sign′a·ble adj.
as·sign′a·bly adv.
as·sign′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly tr)
1. to select for and appoint to a post, etc: to assign an expert to the job.
2. to give out or allot (a task, problem, etc): to assign advertising to an expert.
3. to set apart (a place, person, time, etc) for a particular function or event: to assign a day for the meeting.
4. to attribute to a specified cause, origin, or source; ascribe: to assign a stone cross to the Vikings.
5. (Law) to transfer (one's right, interest, or title to property) to someone else
6. (Law) (also intr) law (formerly) to transfer (property) to trustees so that it may be used for the benefit of creditors
7. (Military) military to allocate (men or materials) on a permanent basis. Compare attach6
8. (Computer Science) computing to place (a value corresponding to a variable) in a memory location
(Law) law a person to whom property is assigned; assignee
[C14: from Old French assigner, from Latin assignāre, from signāre to mark out]
asˈsignable adj
asˌsignaˈbility n
asˈsignably adv
asˈsigner n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. to give or allocate: to assign rooms at a hotel.
2. to give out or announce as a task: to assign homework.
3. to appoint, as to a post or duty.
4. to designate; name; specify: to assign a day for a meeting.
5. to bring forward; ascribe; attribute: to assign a cause.
6. Law. to transfer (property, esp. in trust).
7. Law. to transfer property, esp. in trust or for the benefit of creditors.
8. Often, assigns.Law. a person to whom another's property is transferred; assignee.
[1250–1300; Middle English < Old French assigner < Latin assignāre. See as-, sign]
as•sign′a•ble, adj.
as•sign`a•bil′i•ty, n.
as•sign′er; Chiefly Law, as•sign•or (ə saɪˈnɔr, ˌæs əˈnɔr) n.
syn: assign, allocate, allot mean to apportion or measure out. To assign is to distribute available things, designating them to be given to or reserved for specific persons or purposes: to assign duties. To allocate is to earmark or set aside parts of things available or expected in the future, each for a specific purpose: to allocate income to various expenses. To allot implies making restrictions as to amount, size, etc., and then apportioning or assigning: to allot spaces for parking.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. To place units or personnel in an organization where such placement is relatively permanent, and/or where such organization controls and administers the units or personnel for the primary function, or greater portion of the functions, of the unit or personnel.
2. To detail individuals to specific duties or functions where such duties or functions are primary and/or relatively permanent. See also attach.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


Past participle: assigned
Gerund: assigning

I assign
you assign
he/she/it assigns
we assign
you assign
they assign
I assigned
you assigned
he/she/it assigned
we assigned
you assigned
they assigned
Present Continuous
I am assigning
you are assigning
he/she/it is assigning
we are assigning
you are assigning
they are assigning
Present Perfect
I have assigned
you have assigned
he/she/it has assigned
we have assigned
you have assigned
they have assigned
Past Continuous
I was assigning
you were assigning
he/she/it was assigning
we were assigning
you were assigning
they were assigning
Past Perfect
I had assigned
you had assigned
he/she/it had assigned
we had assigned
you had assigned
they had assigned
I will assign
you will assign
he/she/it will assign
we will assign
you will assign
they will assign
Future Perfect
I will have assigned
you will have assigned
he/she/it will have assigned
we will have assigned
you will have assigned
they will have assigned
Future Continuous
I will be assigning
you will be assigning
he/she/it will be assigning
we will be assigning
you will be assigning
they will be assigning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been assigning
you have been assigning
he/she/it has been assigning
we have been assigning
you have been assigning
they have been assigning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been assigning
you will have been assigning
he/she/it will have been assigning
we will have been assigning
you will have been assigning
they will have been assigning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been assigning
you had been assigning
he/she/it had been assigning
we had been assigning
you had been assigning
they had been assigning
I would assign
you would assign
he/she/it would assign
we would assign
you would assign
they would assign
Past Conditional
I would have assigned
you would have assigned
he/she/it would have assigned
we would have assigned
you would have assigned
they would have assigned
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.assign - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)assign - give an assignment to (a person) to a post, or assign a task to (a person)
mandate - assign authority to
cast - select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet; "He cast a young woman in the role of Desdemona"
post - assign to a post; put into a post; "The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu"
cast - assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors; "Who cast this beautiful movie?"
devolve - pass on or delegate to another; "The representative devolved his duties to his aides while he was in the hospital"
task - assign a task to; "I tasked him with looking after the children"
place - place somebody in a particular situation or location; "he was placed on probation"
regiment - assign to a regiment; "regiment soldiers"
reassign, transfer - transfer somebody to a different position or location of work
delegate, depute - transfer power to someone
mandate - assign under a mandate; "mandate a colony"
elevate, kick upstairs, promote, upgrade, advance, raise - give a promotion to or assign to a higher position; "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired"; "Women tend not to advance in the major law firms"; "I got promoted after many years of hard work"
demote, kick downstairs, relegate, bump, break - assign to a lower position; reduce in rank; "She was demoted because she always speaks up"; "He was broken down to Sergeant"
appoint, charge - assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to; "He was appointed deputy manager"; "She was charged with supervising the creation of a concordance"
place - assign to (a job or a home)
2.assign - give outassign - give out; "We were assigned new uniforms"
appropriate, earmark, set aside, reserve, allow - give or assign a resource to a particular person or cause; "I will earmark this money for your research"; "She sets aside time for meditation every day"
allocate, apportion - distribute according to a plan or set apart for a special purpose; "I am allocating a loaf of bread to everyone on a daily basis"; "I'm allocating the rations for the camping trip"
deal out, dish out, dispense, distribute, dole out, mete out, parcel out, shell out, lot, administer, allot, deal - administer or bestow, as in small portions; "administer critical remarks to everyone present"; "dole out some money"; "shell out pocket money for the children"; "deal a blow to someone"; "the machine dispenses soft drinks"
3.assign - attribute or credit toassign - attribute or credit to; "We attributed this quotation to Shakespeare"; "People impute great cleverness to cats"
pass judgment, evaluate, judge - form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
impute - attribute (responsibility or fault) to a cause or source; "The teacher imputed the student's failure to his nervousness"
carnalize, sensualize - ascribe to an origin in sensation
credit - give someone credit for something; "We credited her for saving our jobs"
reattribute - attribute to another source
anthropomorphise, anthropomorphize - ascribe human features to something
personate, personify - attribute human qualities to something; "The Greeks personated their gods ridiculous"
credit, accredit - ascribe an achievement to; "She was not properly credited in the program"
blame, charge - attribute responsibility to; "We blamed the accident on her"; "The tragedy was charged to her inexperience"
externalise, externalize, project - regard as objective
interiorise, interiorize, internalise, internalize - incorporate within oneself; make subjective or personal; "internalize a belief"
4.assign - select something or someone for a specific purpose; "The teacher assigned him to lead his classmates in the exercise"
choose, pick out, select, take - pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives; "Take any one of these cards"; "Choose a good husband for your daughter"; "She selected a pair of shoes from among the dozen the salesgirl had shown her"
dedicate - set apart to sacred uses with solemn rites, of a church
detail - assign to a specific task; "The ambulances were detailed to the fire station"
5.assign - attribute or give; "She put too much emphasis on her the last statement"; "He put all his efforts into this job"; "The teacher put an interesting twist to the interpretation of the story"
apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize - put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose; "use your head!"; "we only use Spanish at home"; "I can't use this tool"; "Apply a magnetic field here"; "This thinking was applied to many projects"; "How do you utilize this tool?"; "I apply this rule to get good results"; "use the plastic bags to store the food"; "He doesn't know how to use a computer"
repose - put or confide something in a person or thing; "These philosophers reposed the law in the people"
6.assign - make undue claims to having
arrogate, lay claim, claim - demand as being one's due or property; assert one's right or title to; "He claimed his suitcases at the airline counter"; "Mr. Smith claims special tax exemptions because he is a foreign resident"
7.assign - transfer one's right to
transfer - cause to change ownership; "I transferred my stock holdings to my children"
8.assign - decide as to where something belongs in a schemeassign - decide as to where something belongs in a scheme; "The biologist assigned the mushroom to the proper class"
pass judgment, evaluate, judge - form a critical opinion of; "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people"
classify, relegate - assign to a class or kind; "How should algae be classified?"; "People argue about how to relegate certain mushrooms"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. give, set, grant, allocate, give out, consign, allot, apportion Later in the year, she'll assign them research papers.
2. allocate, give, determine, fix, appoint, distribute, earmark, mete He assigned her all his land.
3. select for, post, commission, elect, appoint, delegate, nominate, name, designate, choose for, stipulate for Did you choose this country or where you simply assigned here?
4. attribute, credit, put down, set down, ascribe, accredit Assign the letters of the alphabet their numerical values.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To set aside or apart for a specified purpose:
2. To set aside or distribute as a share:
3. To regard as belonging to or resulting from another:
4. To ascribe (a misdeed or an error, for example) to:
5. Law. To change the ownership of (property) by means of a legal document:
6. To appoint and send to a particular place:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يُخَصِّص، يُعَيِّنيُعَيِّن في مَنْصِب
atamakayırmakgörevlendirmektahsis etmek


1. (= allot) [+ task] → asignar; [+ room] → destinar; [+ date] → señalar, fijar (for para) which is the room assigned to me?¿qué habitación se me ha destinado?
2. [+ person] → destinar
to assign sb to sthdestinar a algn a algo
they assigned him to the Paris embassylo destinaron a la embajada de París
3. (= attribute) [+ literary work, sculpture] → atribuir; [+ reason] → señalar, indicar
4. (Jur) [+ property] → ceder
B. N (Jur) → cesionario/a m/f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[əˈsaɪn] vt
(= allocate) to assign resources to sth → affecter des ressources à qch
to assign a task to sb → assigner une tâche à qn
to assign a police officer to a job → assigner un emploi à un policier
the police officer assigned to look after the only witness → le policier à qui l'on avait assigné la surveillance du seul témoin
to assign sb sth, to assign sth to sb → assigner qch à qn
I was assigned a pleasant, cheery room to work in → On m'avait assigné une pièce agréable et gaie pour travailler.
Each of us was assigned a minder → On nous avait assigné un ange gardien à chacun.
to be assigned somewhere → être envoyé(e) quelque part
(= attribute) to assign a cause to sth → attribuer une cause à qch
to assign a meaning to sth → attribuer une signification à qch
to assign a value to sth → attribuer une valeur à qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= allot)zuweisen, zuteilen (to sb jdm); (to a purpose) roombestimmen (to für); (to a word) meaningzuordnen (→ to +dat); (= fix) date, timebestimmen, festsetzen; (= attribute) cause, novel, play, musiczuschreiben (→ to +dat); at the time assignedzur festgesetzten Zeit; which class have you been assigned?welche Klasse wurde Ihnen zugewiesen?
(= appoint)berufen; (to a mission, case, task etc) → betrauen (to mit), beauftragen (to mit); she was assigned to this schoolsie wurde an diese Schule berufen; he was assigned to the post of ambassadorer wurde zum Botschafter berufen; I was assigned to speak to the bossich wurde damit beauftragt or betraut, mit dem Chef zu sprechen
(Jur) → übertragen, übereignen (to sb jdm)
n (Jur: also assignee) → Abtretungsempfänger(in) m(f)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[əˈsaɪn] vt to assign (to) (allot, task, room, resources) → assegnare (a); (reason, cause, meaning) → dare (a), attribuire (a) (Law) (property) → cedere (a), trasferire (a); (appoint) to assign sb todare a qn l'incarico di
to assign a date to sth → fissare la data di qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈsain) verb
1. to give to someone as his share or duty. They assigned the task to us.
2. to order or appoint. He assigned three men to the job.
asˈsignment noun
a duty assigned to someone. You must complete this assignment by tomorrow.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


vt. asignar, indicar, señalar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Yes, Socrates, said Glaucon, and the whole of life is the only limit which wise men assign to the hearing of such discourses.
To which Blifil answered, "He was certain he had seen a fellow and wench retire together among the bushes, which he doubted not was with some wicked purpose." As to the name of Jones, he thought proper to conceal it, and why he did so must be left to the judgment of the sagacious reader; for we never chuse to assign motives to the actions of men, when there is any possibility of our being mistaken.
Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this stage of the business at all events; the item of mortality whose name is prefixed to the head of this chapter.
writes word that she could not get the young lady to assign any cause for her extraordinary conduct, which confirms me in my own previous explanation of it, Frederica is too shy, I think, and too much in awe of me to tell tales, but if the mildness of her uncle should get anything out of her, I am not afraid.
On this ground we have an opportunity to assign over multitudes who would willingly claim places here to other parts of the procession.
The Portuguese, resolved at any rate to revenge the fate of their general, desired the Emperor to assign them the post opposite to Mahomet, which was willingly granted them.
For by assigning to the Women the same two colours as were assigned to the Priests, the Revolutionists thereby ensured that, in certain positions, every Woman would appear like a Priest, and be treated with corresponding respect and deference -- a prospect that could not fail to attract the Female Sex in a mass.
To such a one He assigns a life in a general's epaulets or as a privy councillor--to such a one, I say, He assigns a life of command; whereas to another one, He allots only a life of unmurmuring toil and suffering.
Galileo explained the phenomena of the lunar light produced during certain of her phases by the existence of mountains, to which he assigned a mean altitude of
Though the poems of the Boeotian school (2) were unanimously assigned to Hesiod down to the age of Alexandrian criticism, they were clearly neither the work of one man nor even of one period: some, doubtless, were fraudulently fathered on him in order to gain currency; but it is probable that most came to be regarded as his partly because of their general character, and partly because the names of their real authors were lost.
The Disinherited Knight, with all knightly courtesy, declined their request, alleging, that he could not at this time suffer his face to be seen, for reasons which he had assigned to the heralds when he entered the lists.
But such a supposition did by no means involve the remotest suspicion as to any boat's crew being assigned to that boat.