

1. Also: antishocks designed to reduce the force of impact
2. (Military) military (of trousers) used to treat blood loss or fractures in wounded military personnel
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(5) Therefore, mechanical devices such as the abdominal aortic tourniquet (AAT) and the nonpneumatic antishock garment (NASG) have been developed to aid in providing continuous abdominal compression.
Lower-extremity compartment syndromes associated with use of pneumatic antishock garments.
'It's very classic and elegant but, at its core, it is a Seamaster with antishock tech and water-resistance features.
Kuffer, "The antishock pelvic clamp," Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, vol.
He considers, for example, bone density analysis, antishock garments, and pacemakers in determining his overall thesis: while actual spinoff status is debatable for some medical advancements, the overarching public curiosity derived from such claims far outweighs the semantics of what constitutes a spinoff.
Military antishock trousers (MAST), pelvic straps, patching, and packing have been widely used in pelvic fracture patients to control bleeding.
PATH says it collaborated with a university, another global non-profit focused on reproductive health, and a product supplier to develop an antishock garment that "evolved from a technology originally developed by NASA for use on the space station."