antisense RNA

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antisense RNA

(Genetics) molecules transcribed, not from DNA in the usual way, but from DNA strands complementary to those that produce normal messenger RNA. Antisense RNA occurs in nature and is inhibitory on gene action. It can be produced synthetically and offers such therapeutic possibilities as turning off viral genes
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References in periodicals archive ?
Arcturus' versatile RNA therapeutics platforms can be applied toward multiple types of nucleic acid medicines including messenger RNA, small interfering RNA, replicon RNA, antisense RNA, microRNA, DNA, and gene editing therapeutics.
Some well-studied lncRNAs, including H19, NBR2, ARF, HOTAIR (HOX transcript antisense RNA), and NEAT1, have been shown to act as oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, which are also correlated with drug resistance (12-16).
The region contains ribosome-binding sites which are necessary for the expression of Zeb2 protein, and Zeb2 antisense RNA can increase the expression of Zeb2 protein in this way.
It includes not only the insertion of a gene into the cell for expression, but also gene silencing with RNA interference (RNAi) and antisense RNA, aptamers (DNA or RNA polymers which bind to a protein target), and oncolytic viruses.
Epigenetic silencing of tumour suppressor gene p15 by its antisense RNA. Nature 2008;451:202-6.
Court, Duputie et al., "H19 antisense RNA can up-regulate Igf2 transcription by activation of a novel promoter in mouse myoblasts," PLoS One, vol.
The steps in sample processing, including cDNA synthesis and antisense RNA (aRNA) (6) transcription (if used), are critical and have direct implications for the quality of the analytical phase.
cis-NATs are antisense RNA transcribed from a single locus, due to the existence of a physical overlap of two genes in different strands, usually having specific targets (one-to-one style) [13].
Effect on cancer cells of plasmids that express antisense RNA of human papillomavirus type 18.