

the capacity of something or someone to be analysed
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Yi T [17,18] in the three aspects, understandability, analysability, and maintainability.
As pointed out by Libben (1994), this is because the analysability of compounds contrasts with the open list of roots, whilst the affixed words must be matched with constituents that belong to a closed list.
We use SDF in our design for its straightforward static dataflow scheduling and analysability of throughput and buffer requirements.
If followed through, this way of working would be more inclusive and might ultimately eliminate some of the exclusionary criteria for 'analysability' in the classical model.
In Langacker's (2000) usage-based model such a process is characterised in terms of a decrease in 'analysability,' which is defined as 'the extent to which speakers are cognizant of the presence and the semantic contribution of component symbolic elements', which in our case would be the verbal stem and the participial morphology.
The second reason for the lower rate of loss of primitive adjectives is related to the nature of these adjectives and, more specifically, to their degree of atomicity and analysability and their formal and semantic contribution to hyponymy as shown by derivational paradigms.
the creation of analysability and therefore culture is both a proto- and metaobject at the same time; it is both immediate and mediated.
Examining the link between leader-member exchange and subordinate performance: the role of task analysability and variety as moderators.
Third, finally, with regard to the kind of data investigated in this paper, I want to raise specific interest for the intensified study of creative as well as other types of less conventional language use in order to gain a better insight in the way cognitive mechanisms of construal (metaphor, metonymy, analysability, figure/ground alignment etc.) can be operated in a flexible way, thus revealing a fundamental prototype structure on the level of our cognitive abilities.
The usability of system development techniques Analysability User consciousness High Low High Specification Modeling Low Prototyping Situation based Table 2.