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Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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For Barthes, 'the [photographic] image is not the reality but at least it is its perfect analogon' (Barthes, 1977: 17).
When, for instance, we abstract the analogon "being" from its analogates (i.e., "things that are"), we gain both the insight that comes cloaked in identity and the confusion hidden beneath.
In the era of "zapping" and "staccato" browsing through the information ocean on the World Wide Web (Web) however, this notion about short exposure time and short-term memory (STM) may need this almost forgotten analogon in order to understand the mechanism of the feedback regulation system.
These are specific forms of knowledge, that do not belong to the intellective domain but are unavoidable and constitute its analogon, as Baumgarten puts it, and its alternative, as Vico argued.
(9) Calvino's fascination with Sheherazade as an analogon for metafiction and embedded texts is seen not only in Se una notte d'inverno but also in his essay "Cominciare e finire" where he cites Benjamin: "'Il ricordo'--dice Benjamin--'crea la rete che tutte le storie finiscono per formare fra loro.
Between, say, the appetite for food and that for certain kinds of cloth or leather, the difference is immensely greater than the difference between our disgust aroused by certain smells and that aroused by certain tactile impressions; striving to "use" a thing is a concept immeasurably more multidimensional and less linear than seeking to withdraw from its range of action; and neither friendship nor erotic union nor religious communion nor cooperation towards definite goals nor self-contained enjoyment of a person's company or existence, etc., etc., offers anything like a fitting analogon to the unequivocal meaning of suppression and opposition.
If the theater is a privileged form of action because it acts directly upon the collective entity of its audience, every "act" in the theater is staged - it is mere gesture or analogon and hence belongs to the realm of the imaginary.
analogue or analogFrench analogue, from Greek analogon, neuter of analogos having a relationship, proportional