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Related to agree: concur


v. a·greed, a·gree·ing, a·grees
a. To share an opinion or feeling; be in accord: I agree with you on that. We agree in our taste in music.
b. To express consent; concur: We agreed to her suggestion. See Synonyms at assent.
c. To accept or support a policy or program: I agree with the flat tax.
d. To come to an understanding or agreement, as by negotiating: We agreed on the price.
2. To be compatible or consistent: The copy agrees with the original. Your story agrees with mine. See Synonyms at correspond.
3. To be suitable, appropriate, pleasing, or healthful: Spicy food does not agree with me.
4. Grammar To correspond in gender, number, case, or person.
1. To share an opinion about (something): My doctor and I agree that I should quit smoking.
2. To grant or concede: My parents agreed that we should be allowed to go. I agreed to help my parents clean the house.

[Middle English agreen, from Old French agreer, from Vulgar Latin *aggrātāre : Latin ad-, ad- + Latin grātus, pleasing; see gwerə- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (mainly intr) , agrees, agreeing or agreed
1. (often foll by with) to be of the same opinion; concur
2. (also tr; when intr, often foll by to; when tr, takes a clause as object or an infinitive) to give assent; consent: she agreed to go home; I'll agree to that.
3. (also tr; when intr, foll by on or about; when tr, may take a clause as object) to come to terms (about); arrive at a settlement (on): they agreed a price; they agreed on the main points.
4. (foll by with) to be similar or consistent; harmonize; correspond
5. (foll by with) to be agreeable or suitable (to one's health, temperament, etc)
6. (tr; takes a clause as object) to concede or grant; admit: they agreed that the price they were asking was too high.
7. (Accounting & Book-keeping) (tr) to make consistent with: to agree the balance sheet with the records by making adjustments, writing off, etc.
8. (Grammar) grammar to undergo agreement
[C14: from Old French agreer, from the phrase a gre at will or pleasure]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. a•greed, a•gree•ing. v.i.
1. to be of one mind; harmonize in opinion or feeling (often fol. by with): I agree with you.
2. to have the same opinion (often fol. by on or upon): We don't agree on politics.
3. to give consent; assent (often fol. by to): Do you agree to the conditions?
4. to arrive at a settlement or understanding: They have agreed on the price.
5. to be consistent; correspond; harmonize (usu. fol. by with): His story agrees with hers.
6. (of food or drink) to admit of digestion or absorption without difficulty (usu. fol. by with).
7. to be suitable; comply with a preference (often fol. by with): The climate did not agree with him.
8. to correspond in inflectional form, as in grammatical case, number, gender, or person: In he runs, the third person singular verb runs agrees with the subject he in person and number.
9. to concede; grant (usu. fol. by a noun clause): I agree that he is the ablest of us.
[1350–1400; < Old French agre(e)r from phrase a gre at pleasure, at will; a < Latin ad to, at; gre < Latin grātum what is agreeable]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'agree'

If someone says something and you say 'I agree', you mean that you have the same opinion.

'That film was excellent.' – 'I agree.'
2. 'agree with'

You can also say that you agree with someone or agree with what they say.

I agree with Mark.
He agreed with my idea.

Be Careful!
Don't say that you 'agree something' or 'are agreed with' it. Also, when you use 'agree' in this sense, don't use the progressive. Don't say, for example, 'I am agreeing with Mark'.

3. 'agree to'

If you agree to a suggestion or proposal, you say that you will allow it to happen.

He had agreed to the use of force.

However, don't say that someone 'agrees to' an invitation. You say that they accept it.

He accepted our invitation to the dinner party.

If someone asks you to do something and you agree to do it, you say that you will do it.

She agreed to lend me her car.
She finally agreed to come to the club on Wednesday.

Be Careful!
Don't say that you 'agree doing' something.

4. 'agree on'

If people reach a decision together about something, they agree on it.

We agreed on a date for the wedding.
5. 'agree that'

You can say what the decision is using agree and a that-clause.

They agreed that the meeting should be postponed.

The passive form 'It was agreed that...' is often used.

It was agreed that something had to be done.
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012


Past participle: agreed
Gerund: agreeing

I agree
you agree
he/she/it agrees
we agree
you agree
they agree
I agreed
you agreed
he/she/it agreed
we agreed
you agreed
they agreed
Present Continuous
I am agreeing
you are agreeing
he/she/it is agreeing
we are agreeing
you are agreeing
they are agreeing
Present Perfect
I have agreed
you have agreed
he/she/it has agreed
we have agreed
you have agreed
they have agreed
Past Continuous
I was agreeing
you were agreeing
he/she/it was agreeing
we were agreeing
you were agreeing
they were agreeing
Past Perfect
I had agreed
you had agreed
he/she/it had agreed
we had agreed
you had agreed
they had agreed
I will agree
you will agree
he/she/it will agree
we will agree
you will agree
they will agree
Future Perfect
I will have agreed
you will have agreed
he/she/it will have agreed
we will have agreed
you will have agreed
they will have agreed
Future Continuous
I will be agreeing
you will be agreeing
he/she/it will be agreeing
we will be agreeing
you will be agreeing
they will be agreeing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been agreeing
you have been agreeing
he/she/it has been agreeing
we have been agreeing
you have been agreeing
they have been agreeing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been agreeing
you will have been agreeing
he/she/it will have been agreeing
we will have been agreeing
you will have been agreeing
they will have been agreeing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been agreeing
you had been agreeing
he/she/it had been agreeing
we had been agreeing
you had been agreeing
they had been agreeing
I would agree
you would agree
he/she/it would agree
we would agree
you would agree
they would agree
Past Conditional
I would have agreed
you would have agreed
he/she/it would have agreed
we would have agreed
you would have agreed
they would have agreed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.agree - be in accordagree - be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
settle - end a legal dispute by arriving at a settlement; "The two parties finally settled"
conciliate, patch up, reconcile, settle, make up - come to terms; "After some discussion we finally made up"
see eye to eye - be in agreement; "We never saw eye to eye on this question"
concede, grant, yield - be willing to concede; "I grant you this much"
subscribe, support - adopt as a belief; "I subscribe to your view on abortion"
resolve, conclude - reach a conclusion after a discussion or deliberation
arrange, fix up - make arrangements for; "Can you arrange a meeting with the President?"
agree - achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"
disagree, take issue, differ, dissent - be of different opinions; "I beg to differ!"; "She disagrees with her husband on many questions"
2.agree - consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do somethingagree - consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something; "She agreed to all my conditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone"
plea-bargain - agree to plead guilty in return for a lesser charge; "If he plea-bargains, he will be sent to a medium-security prison for 8 years"
bargain - come to terms; arrive at an agreement
consent, go for, accept - give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; "I cannot accept your invitation"; "I go for this resolution"
acquiesce, assent, accede - to agree or express agreement; "The Maestro assented to the request for an encore"
3.agree - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
consist - be consistent in form, tenor, or character; be congruous; "Desires are to be satisfied only so far as consists with an approved end"
check out, check - be verified or confirmed; pass inspection; "These stories don't check!"
look - accord in appearance with; "You don't look your age!"
answer - match or correspond; "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"
coincide - be the same; "our views on this matter coincided"
align - be or come into adjustment with
correlate - to bear a reciprocal or mutual relation; "Do these facts correlate?"
parallel - be parallel to; "Their roles are paralleled by ours"
twin, duplicate, parallel - duplicate or match; "The polished surface twinned his face and chest in reverse"
square - be compatible with; "one idea squares with another"
bear out, underpin, corroborate, support - support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm; "The stories and claims were born out by the evidence"
equal, be - be identical or equivalent to; "One dollar equals 1,000 rubles these days!"
resemble - appear like; be similar or bear a likeness to; "She resembles her mother very much"; "This paper resembles my own work"
conform to, fit, meet - satisfy a condition or restriction; "Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?"
homologize - be homologous; "A person's arms homologize with a quadruped's forelimbs"
befit, beseem, suit - accord or comport with; "This kind of behavior does not suit a young woman!"
accord, concord, fit in, harmonise, harmonize, consort, agree - go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
pattern - form a pattern; "These sentences pattern like the ones we studied before"
adhere - be compatible or in accordance with; "You must adhere to the rules"
rime, rhyme - be similar in sound, especially with respect to the last syllable; "hat and cat rhyme"
disaccord, discord, disagree - be different from one another
4.agree - go togetheragree - go together; "The colors don't harmonize"; "Their ideas concorded"
correspond, gibe, jibe, match, tally, agree, fit, check - be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don't agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun"
blend in, blend, go - blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs"
5.agree - show grammatical agreement; "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English"
grammar - the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)
6.agree - be agreeable or suitableagree - be agreeable or suitable; "White wine doesn't agree with me"
suit - be agreeable or acceptable; "This time suits me"
7.agree - achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purposeagree - achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"
agree, concur, concord, hold - be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can't agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"
compromise - make a compromise; arrive at a compromise; "nobody will get everything he wants; we all must compromise"
conclude - reach agreement on; "They concluded an economic agreement"; "We concluded a cease-fire"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. concur, engage, be as one, sympathize, assent, see eye to eye, be of the same opinion, be of the same mind I'm not sure I agree with you.
concur deny, dispute, differ, disagree, dissent, contradict, refute, retract, rebut
2. correspond, match, accord, answer, fit, suit, square, coincide, tally, conform, chime, harmonize His second statement agrees with the facts.
3. suit, get on, be good for, befit I don't think the food here agrees with me.
agree on something shake hands on, reach agreement on, settle on, negotiate, work out, arrive at, yield to, thrash out, accede to, concede to The warring sides have agreed on a ceasefire.
agree to something consent to, grant, approve, permit, accede to, assent to, acquiesce to, comply to, concur to All 100 senators agreed to postponement.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To respond affirmatively; receive with agreement or compliance:
2. To come to an understanding or to terms:
3. To be compatible or in correspondence:
Informal: jibe.
Archaic: quadrate.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
وافقيَتَّفِق مَع، يَنْسَجِم مَعيَتَّفِق مَعيُنَاسِب، يُلائِميُوَافِق
souhlasitsvolitvycházet spoluvyhovovatdělat dobře
indvilligesamtykkestemme overensvære enig
hyväksyäollaolla samaa mieltäsopiavastata
složiti se
eiga samaneiga viî, fara ísamòykkjavera sammála/í samræmi viî
atbilstbūt piemērotampanestpiekristsaprasties
dobre spolu vychádzaťrobiť dobre
dogovoriti seprivolitisoglašatistrinjati se
hålla med
aynı fikirde olmakkabul etmekrazı olmakuyuşmakyaramak
đồng ý


1. (= consent) → consentir
eventually he agreedpor fin consintió
you'll never get him to agreeno lograrás nunca su consentimiento
to agree to sthconsentir en or aceptar algo
he'll agree to anythingse aviene a todo
I agree to your marrying my nieceacepto que usted se case con mi sobrina
2. (= be in agreement) → estar de acuerdo; (= come to an agreement) → ponerse de acuerdo
I agreeestoy de acuerdo, estoy conforme
I quite agreeestoy completamente de acuerdo
don't you agree?¿no está de acuerdo?, ¿no le parece?
to agree about or on sth (= be in agreement) → estar de acuerdo sobre algo; (= come to an agreement) → ponerse de acuerdo sobre algo
I don't agree about trying again tomorrowno estoy de acuerdo con lo de volverlo a intentar mañana
to agree with [+ person] → estar de acuerdo or coincidir con; [+ policy] → estar de acuerdo con, aprobar
3. (= accord, coincide) → concordar
these statements do not agree (with each other)estas declaraciones no concuerdan
his reasoning agrees with minesu razonamiento concuerda con el mío
4. (= get on together) [people] → congeniar
we simply don't agreesimplemente no congeniamos
to agree with
5.1. (= approve of) → aprobar
I don't agree with women playing footballno apruebo que las mujeres jueguen al fútbol
5.2. (= be beneficial to) [food, climate] garlic/this heat doesn't agree with meel ajo/este calor no me sienta bien
6. (Gram) → concordar (with con)
1. (= consent) to agree to do sthconsentir en or aceptar hacer algo
2. (= be in agreement, come to an agreement) "it's impossible," she agreed-es imposible -asintió
to agree thatestar de acuerdo en que
everyone agrees that it is sotodos están de acuerdo en que es así
it was agreed thatse acordó que ...
it is agreed that (on legal contracts) → se acuerda que ...
they agreed among themselves to do it(todos) se pusieron de acuerdo para hacerlo
it was agreed to + INFINse acordó + infin
we agreed to meet up laterquedamos en vernos después
to agree to disagree or differestar en desacuerdo amistoso
3. (= admit) → reconocer
I agree that I was too hastyreconozco que lo hice con precipitación
I agree that it was foolishreconozco que era insensato
4. [+ plan, statement etc] → aceptar, llegar a un acuerdo sobre; [+ price] → convenir
the plan was speedily agreedel proyecto fue aceptado sin demora
"salary to be agreed"sueldo a convenir
at a date to be agreeden una fecha (que queda) por determinar or concertar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= hold the same opinion) [person, people] → être d'accord
"It's appalling." - "It is. I agree." → "C'est horrible." - "C'est vrai. Je suis d'accord."
to agree about sth
They find it hard to agree about this → Il leur est difficile de se mettre d'accord là-dessus.
to agree with sb → être d'accord avec qn
I agree with Carol → Je suis d'accord avec Carol.
to agree with sb about sth → être d'accord avec qn sur qch
to agree with sth
I agree with what you say → Je suis d'accord avec ce que tu dis.
(= be in favour of) to agree with sth [+ plan, idea, proposal] → être d'accord avec qch
The Prime Minister does not agree with this plan → Le Premier Ministre n'est pas d'accord avec ce projet.
to not agree with doing sth
I don't agree with children smoking → Je ne suis pas d'accord pour que les enfants fument.
(= consent) to agree to sth → accepter qch
He has agreed to our proposal → Il a accepté notre proposition.
to agree to do sth → accepter de faire qch, consentir à faire qch
He agreed to go and pick her up → Il a accepté d'aller la chercher.
to agree on sth [+ price, arrangement] → se mettre d'accord sur qch
to agree on doing sth
They agreed on going → Ils se mirent d'accord pour y aller.
to agree to disagree, to agree to differ → en rester
We agreed to disagree → Nous sommes restés là.
[statements, explanations] → concorder
The two totals agree → Les deux totaux concordent.
to agree with sth → concorder avec qch
His statement agrees with those of other witnesses → Ses déclarations concordent avec celles d'autres témoins.
to agree with sth [+ subject, noun] → s'accorder avec qch
to agree with sb [food] → convenir à qn
Garlic doesn't agree with me → L'ail ne me convient pas.
(British) (= come to terms about) [+ price] → convenir de; [+ time] → convenir de
(= decide) to agree (that) ... (= decide) → convenir que ...
it was agreed that ... → il a été convenu que ...
(= admit) to agree (that) ... → admettre que ...
I agree that it's difficult → J'admets que c'est difficile.
(= be of the same opinion) to be agreed on sth → être d'accord sur qch
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


pret, ptp <agreed>
price, date etcvereinbaren, abmachen
(= consent) to agree to do somethingsich einverstanden or bereit erklären, etw zu tun
(= admit)zugeben; I agree (that) I was wrongich gebe zu, dass ich mich geirrt habe
(= come to or be in agreement about)zustimmen (+dat); we all agree that …wir sind alle der Meinung, dass …; it was agreed that …man einigte sich darauf, dass …, es wurde beschlossen, dass …; we agreed to do itwir haben beschlossen, das zu tun; to agree to differ or disagreesich (dat)verschiedene Meinungen zugestehen; we agree to differwir sind uns einig, dass wir uns uneinig sind; is that agreed then, gentlemen?sind alle einverstanden? ? also agreed
(= hold same opinion, two or more people) → sich einig sein, übereinstimmen, einer Meinung sein; (one person)der gleichen Meinung sein; to agree with somebodyjdm zustimmen; I agree!der Meinung bin ich auch; we all agree, it’s a silly suggestionwir sind uns alle einig, das ist ein alberner Vorschlag; I couldn’t agree more/lessich bin völlig/überhaupt nicht dieser Meinung, ich stimme dem völlig/überhaupt nicht zu; it’s too late now, don’t or wouldn’t you agree?finden or meinen Sie nicht auch, dass es jetzt zu spät ist?
to agree with a theory/the figures etc (accept) → eine Theorie/die Zahlen etc akzeptieren or für richtig halten
(= come to an agreement)sich einigen (→ about über +acc)
(statements, figures etc: = tally) → übereinstimmen
to agree with something (= approve of)etw befürworten, mit etw einverstanden sein; I don’t agree with children drinking wineich bin dagegen or ich bin nicht damit einverstanden, dass Kinder Wein trinken
(food, climate etc) something agrees with somebodyjdm bekommt etw; whisky doesn’t agree with meich vertrage Whisky nicht, Whisky bekommt mir nicht; that food didn’t agree with medas Essen ist mir nicht bekommen
(Gram) → übereinstimmen
(people: = get on together) → sich vertragen, miteinander auskommen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. vi
a. (be in agreement) to agree (with sb/sth)essere or trovarsi d'accordo (con qn/qc)
to agree on/about sth → essere d'accordo su/riguardo a qc
I quite agree → sono perfettamente d'accordo
don't you agree? → non sei d'accordo?
b. (come to terms) to agree (on sth)mettersi d'accordo (su qc), accordarsi (su qc)
c. (consent) to agree to sthaccettare qc, acconsentire a qc
d. (be in harmony, things) → andare d'accordo, concordare; (persons, get on together) → andare d'accordo (Gram) → concordare
e. (food) garlic doesn't agree with menon riesco a digerire l'aglio, l'aglio mi rimane sullo stomaco
2. vt
a. (come to agreement) to agree (that)essere d'accordo (sul fatto che); (admit) → ammettere (che)
it was agreed that ... → è stato deciso (di comune accordo) che...
are we all agreed? → siamo tutti d'accordo?
is that agreed? → (siamo) d'accordo?
to agree to differ → rimanere ognuno della propria idea
to agree a price → pattuire un prezzo
b. (consent) to agree to do sthaccettare di fare qc, acconsentire a fare qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈgriː) past tense, past participle aˈgreed verb
1. (often with with) to think or say the same (as). I agreed with them that we should try again; The newspaper report does not agree with what he told us.
2. to say that one will do or allow something. He agreed to go; He agreed to our request.
3. (with with) to be good for (usually one's health). Cheese does not agree with me.
4. to be happy and friendly together. John and his wife don't agree.
aˈgreeable adjective
pleasant. She is a most agreeable person.
aˈgreeably adverb
aˈgreement noun
1. the state of agreeing. We are all in agreement.
2. a business, political etc arrangement, spoken or written. You have broken our agreement; We have signed an agreement.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يُوافِقُ عَلَى souhlasit være enig zustimmen συμφωνώ estar de acuerdo olla samaa mieltä être d’accord složiti se concordare 賛成する 동의하다 mee eens zijn samtykke zgodzić się concordar соглашаться hålla med เห็นด้วย aynı fikirde olmak đồng ý 同意
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vt. acordar; estar de acuerdo; sentar bien, caer bien;
we ___estamos de acuerdo;
coffee does not ___ with meel café no me sienta bien; el café no me cae bien.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


vi This pill didn’t agree with me..Esta pastilla me cayó or sentó mal.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
However, to drop the article of religion, I think it is plain, from what you have said, that we have different ideas of honour; or why do we not agree in the same terms of its explanation?
"I agree," answered Thwackum, with great warmth, "with a man who asserts honour to be antecedent to religion!
Officers of the Wanderer and the Sea-mew , do you agree to that way of meeting the difficulty?"
"Men of the Wanderer and Sea-mew , your officers agree to cast lots.
They say they don't agree to leave Bogucharovo as you ordered."
"Your Excellency, we are unable to agree upon a Favourite Son to represent us in your Cabinet."
"Then," said the New President, "I shall have to lock you up until you do agree."
Might not the patient reasonably demand, before he ventured to follow this advice, that the authors of it should at least agree among themselves on some other remedy to be substituted?
Both the propositions are unjust; for if we agree with what the few propose we erect a tyranny: for if it should happen that an individual should have more than the rest who are rich, according to oligarchical justice, this man alone has a right to the supreme power; but if superiority of numbers is to prevail, injustice will then be done by confiscating the property of the rich, who are few, as we have already said.
'But, my dear Podsnap,' quoth Veneering, 'there IS a tried friend of our family who, I think and hope you will agree with me, Podsnap, is the friend on whom this agreeable duty almost naturally devolves.
They agree for their ransom, and are part of them dismissed.
I agree in thinking that there is such a class, I replied.