

the state of being aggrieved
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Instead of competing for its experienced faculty and paying them their worth, many universities have elected one of two routes: 1) creating procedural hurdles for departing faculty, causing further aggrievement, or 2) replacing departing faculty with newly returning faculty at a cheaper rate.
By coming forward with evidence that this complaint is the only claim of aggrievement adduced by the Shemugas, and that it is speculative, Ms.
Constitution and his Southerner's sense of aggrievement over the Civil War.
An orthodoxy has taken hold of intellectual, cultural, and academic life, an orthodoxy nurtured and protected by an overweening and aggressive sense of virtue and righteous aggrievement that permits it to go unchallenged by the skepticism and bracing scrutiny that used to characterize--in fact to define-intellectual, cultural, and academic life.
Most attendees tend to be locals seeking a respite from boredom, retirees from the firm enjoying a reunion, gadflies seeking whatever it is that gadflies seek, union members demanding redress for some perceived aggrievement, and rebels with a cause (the cause seldom falling within the province of management to address).
Zuckerberg gives Divya and the Winklevoss twins the runaround, and the bickering and fuming of the blue bloods is played for laughs, even if their aggrievement seems like it has solid legal grounds on which to pursue a case.
Per Connecticut General Statutes [section] 12-117a, plaintiff must first prove "aggrievement" in order to have its case reviewed by a court.
violence, again erasing any sense of aggrievement and reason.
It is an act that will produce little extra income with a maximum aggrievement.
The aggrievement felt by substantial numbers of smart, knowledgeable and capable students is evident.
To properly understand Orban's sense of nationalistic aggrievement, one must understand the outlines of Hungarian history.