References in classic literature ?
They killed three of the best calves by letting them into the clover aftermath without care as to their drinking, and nothing would make the men believe that they had been blown out by the clover, but they told him, by way of consolation, that one of his neighbors had lost a hundred and twelve head of cattle in three days.
{Les ordonnances = four decrees establishing absolute rule, issued by King Charles X on July 25, 1830, which touched off the July Revolution, leading to his abdication on July 31, and the installation of the Duke of Orleans as Louis Philippe I, King of the French--Cooper was living in Paris during this period, though he returned there from Italy and Germany a few days after the July Revolution itself, and he was a close friend of the Marquis de Lafayette who played a major part in the Revolution and its aftermath; for Cooper and many others, the ultimate results of the Revolution were a serious disappointment, since the new King seemed rapidly to become almost as conservative as the old}
The aftermath of the cub reporter's deed was even wider than Martin had anticipated.
OCTOBER was a beautiful month at Green Gables, when the birches in the hollow turned as golden as sunshine and the maples behind the orchard were royal crimson and the wild cherry trees along the lane put on the loveliest shades of dark red and bronzy green, while the fields sunned themselves in aftermaths.
Release date- 25072019 - Vancouver - Aftermath Silver Ltd.
Dakota in Exile: The Untold Stories of Captives in the Aftermath of the U.S.-Dakota War
Venezuela's pro-government Supreme Court has opened a criminal investigation into seven opposition lawmakers in the aftermath of a failed attempt to spark a military uprising against President Nicolas Maduro.
A groundsman who helped clear up the aftermath of the COD Donnington fire in 1983 died from exposure to asbestos a coroner has concluded.
James Kent would seem to be the ideal director for the World War II romance "The Aftermath" given that his 2015 debut feature "Testament of Youth" received critical acclaim for juxtaposing intimate scenes with a sweeping WWI backdrop.
QUETTA: Chief of Sarawan and member of provincial assembly Nawab Aslam Raisani on Saturday met with former MNA Sardar Kamal Khan Bangulzai and former Minister Nawab Muhammad Khan Shahwani discussed aftermath situation of district Mastung during recent rain and snowfall.
Summary: Widely shared Facebook post of 'devastated Pakistan' shows quake aftermath in 2005