

1. a sailor or group of sailors stationed on the poop to attend to the aft sails
2. the members of the crew responsible for strategic decisions about the sailing and navigation of a boat
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It is the chief mate, the only figure of the ship's afterguard, who comes bustling forward at the cry of "All hands on deck!" He is the satrap of that province in the autocratic realm of the ship, and more personally responsible for anything that may happen there.
Brady's finishes have been uneven over the past two weeks of racing in Dubai but he and his afterguard of tactician Morgan Larson, navigator Steve Hayles, and masthead wind spotter Cameron Dunn, made no mistakes on flat water in a very shifty five to seven knot north westerly breeze.
However, in a spectacular error of judgement, the Swiss team's afterguard made a fatal mistake which allowed Team New Zealand to destroy Alinghi's 100 per cent record of winning America's Cup matches having led at the first marker.
would oft-times be raised to cheer the soul, curse the afterguard and owner, mark the beat, and lighten the labour.' (31) This not only compromises the strict definition of work song even further; it also includes another important, usually ignored aspect of work song: 'the articulation of interests and grievances', in this case the view of its crew concerning the running of a ship.
"We're not likely to forget disasters like that," Lowry says, "especially since our afterguard, Rod Davis, was the helmsman for one Australia when it went down.
That's the bottom rung of the afterguard, and some of them have climbed to the top as yachtmasters."
We will also be joined by three more skippers from other yachts, so the crew won't be lacking an afterguard!
Barker and the afterguard (tactician Ray Davies, strategist Adam Beashel and navigator Kevin Hall) took no risks and closed down the options for K-Challenge, establishing a comfortable lead on the first run (after a closely fought first beat) and extending to the finish.
In addition, you need to coordinate with the afterguard for runner load, and with the pit/foredeck as sails change.
This time, with a new rig installed and the boat reconfigured by boatbuilder Andrew 'Noddy' Hay, who will also sail in the afterguard on UBS Wild Thing.
There is no place for traditional afterguard committee discussion with input from navigators, tacticians and strategists.