Young Thomas

Also found in: Medical, Idioms.


, Thomas 1773-1829.
British physician, physicist, and linguist who did experiments demonstrating the wave nature of light, investigated how the human eye focuses and senses color, and helped decipher the hieroglyphics on the Rosetta Stone.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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If truth be told, young Thomas should be close to double that given the amount of chances he's had this season and not stuck away.
With a fun-packed plot, tons of animals and songs to captivate the imagination of young Thomas fans and parents alike, the film is out on July 20.
Our tour-goers enjoyed a series of reenactments featuring a young Thomas Jefferson debating his philosophies and George Washington's commentary on his trials and tribulations as a Founding Father.
Besides, love hasn't worked out so well for young Thomas (Dylan O'Brien).
Potential storylines will be aplenty with English veteran Andrew Marshall, Jake Shepherd and the 2016 MENA Tour Order of Merit winner Craig Hinton also confirming their participation, but none would be more compelling than young Thomas, who last year became the first amateur to win a MENA Tour event.
After working in London during the war writing propaganda films, the young Thomas moved to Oxford to earn a more steady income working for Margaret Taylor, the wife of historian AJP Taylor, and moved into the summer house of her Oxford family home.
The novel begins with a hold-up, a death and a journey to London--a plot device which gives the narrator, young Thomas Fielding, an outsider's perspective.
A couple of missed putts here and there denied young Thomas a special place in the Mena Golf Tour history.
Young Thomas is recruited in the manner of a film starlet: "discovered" by the President lingering near a gas station Coke machine in rural Arkansas, and taken under her wing.