Young Conservative

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Young Conservative

n (Brit Pol) → Mitglied ntder Jungen Konservativen; the Young Conservativesdie Jungen Konservativen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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One voter criticised her, saying: "What kind of comments are those coming from someone who hopes to represent people in Huddersfield?" But she was defended by Conservative group leader Clr David Hall, who said: "Sarah is a bright, young Conservative activist who will make a fine Kirklees councillor."
A YOUNG conservative protege of a powerful former president has been elected Colombia's next leader after promising to roll back a fragile peace accord that has divided the South American nation.
BOGOTA, Colombia -- Ivan Duque, the young conservative protg of a powerful former president, was elected Colombia's next leader Sunday after promising to roll back a fragile peace accord that has divided the South American nation.
Young conservative star Sebastian Kurz is on track to become Austria's next leader, projections of Sunday's parliamentary election result showed, but his party is well short of a majority and could seek an alliance with the far right.
Most surprising, more identify as conservatives now compared to the 1980s, presumably the era of the young conservative, such as the character Alex P.
1970: The Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, above, has been hit in the face with an egg thrown by a Young Conservative demonstrator.
Speaking to a group of young Conservative activists at Downing Street, the Prime Minister revealed he understood why some people feel England should have its own song, like Wales and Scotland do.
[ClickPress, Mon Nov 21 2011] A leading young Conservative has defected to UKIP.
Back on the home front, the past five years have also seen the launch of Front Porch Republic, a website started by young conservative academics such as Georgetown government professor Patrick Deneen and others who were early enthusiasts for crunchy conservatism.
"The Young Conservative's Field Guide: Facts, Charts, and Figures" is a guide for young conservatives who want to be better equipped for the challenges of that conservatives face in today's political arena, especially as young people tend to be more on the liberal side of the spectrum.
Prejean, 22, also spoke about her desire for young conservative women to become leaders on campus.
The foundation supports young conservative and libertarian leaders.

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