Victoria Lake

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Related to Victoria Lake: Nile River


, Lake also Victoria Ny·an·za  (nī-ăn′zə, nyän′-)
A lake of east-central Africa bordered by Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. The largest lake in Africa in terms of surface area, it is the source of the White Nile.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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portfolioincludes class="x_gmail-m_-5395187020063080196gmail-m_-4343924568274910245gmail-m_-8801723927854037544x_gmail-paragraphx_gmail-m_-5395187020063080196gmail-m_-4343924568274910245gmail-m_-8801723927854037544x_gmail-normaltextrunGal Oya Lodge aboutique lodge on the fringe of Sri Lanka's forgotten National Park.x_gmail-m_-5395187020063080196gmail-m_-4343924568274910245gmail-m_-8801723927854037544x_gmail-spellingerrorRukgalax_gmail-m_-5395187020063080196gmail-m_-4343924568274910245gmail-m_-8801723927854037544x_gmail-normaltextrunRetreat a yoga escape on the shores of the Victoria Lake.
One of the goals of this initiative is the establishment of a maritime pathway connecting Victoria Lake and the Mediterrenean.
According to the ministry's statement, both officials discussed some mutual mega projects, such as the proposal of establishing navigational canal which will connect the Victoria Lake with the Mediterranean Sea.
A large percentage of the Water-rat sightings in the last group comprised sightings for either Victoria Lake Park in Shepparton (18% of all sightings for the Goulburn basin) or channels in the Shepparton-Tatura irrigation district (15% of sightings).
These SMEs include Kunooz Occupational Safety, Victoria Lake Trading & Cont., Al Salama Fire Engineering Consultancy, and Abraj Mirbat Safety Services Company.
Victoria Lake's products and services include general safety equipment, printing press (sign boards), tools and machinery, industrial lubricants, fabrication, pressure test services and equipment services.
Harry Freeland's In the Shadow of the Sun, set in scenic Victoria Lake, Tanzania, is a gripping and tender documentary about the plight of children, men and women with albinism.
In Berlin, Ontario, a crowd led by unruly soldiers threw the Kaiser's statue into Victoria Lake and the threat of a boycott of its industries forced the city to change its name to Kitchener, after the British Minister of War.

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