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n.1.(Bot.) A Mexican and Central American tree (Castilloa elastica and Castilloa Markhamiana) related to the breadfruit tree. Its milky juice contains caoutchouc. Called also ule tree.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The second survey that PSA conducted was the 2018 Updating of the List of Establishments (ULE) in April to July 2018 with the objective of getting a reliable directory of establishments which will be used as statistical frame for establishment surveys and census, Florendo bared.
Also spreading to existing building retrofits, ULE building projects exist in more than 20 states.
The certification program for the 60-member ULE Alliance will ensure OEM IoT solutions conform to a consistent set of standards, which results in interoperability across devices from different manufacturers.
"Surprisingly, these [diseased] samples contained the same aging-related changes as healthy individuals over the age of 80," relates senior author Jernej Ule of MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, U.K.
Jernej Ule of the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, senior author of the study.
The 32-year-old pace bowler needs ankle surgery, which will r ule him out until November.
Since then it's become a television schedS ule staple, as top cooks from across the country give us an insight into the highly competitive world of fine dining.
14 -- Johnson Electric has introduced the Saia ULE series linear stepper motors.
Ultra Electronics (LSE: ULE) announced today that its Maritime Systems (MS) division in Nova Scotia, Canada has been awarded a $25 million (Cdn) contract by the Defence Material Organization (DMO) in Den Haag, Netherlands.
Eelnevalt vaidetuga tahaks ekskursi korras juhtida tahelepanu ajaloolaseameti koogipoolele voi oieti vanu todesid ule korrata.
Ultra Electronics (ULE), which has a base in Staffordshire, has acquired specialist data recording company AudioSoft from its founder for an initial pounds 5 million.
ULE is commonly misdiagnosed as allergic contact dermatitis.