

    (băt´ūl or bå`tŌl´)
n.1.A springboard in a circus or gymnasium; - called also batule board.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
(2000) compiled six local landraces of buckwheat from Talium Village Development Committee (VDC) of the same district as Batule, Bharule, Mithe, Murali, Tilkhunde, and Tite Phaper.
(10.) Bayupamkhi cadhi ghodi chayapatha dule pani/ Taramandalaka phula poltama batule pani/ Himdda himddai harae jhaim aja manche cha ekala/ Visala dharti hoos mahamilanako thala// (ibid.)