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(German ˈtraitʃkə)
(Biography) Heinrich von (ˈhainrɪç fɔn). 1834–96, German historian, noted for his highly nationalistic views
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The Right Party used a second election poster that invoked the 19th-century anti-Semitic German historian Heinrich von Treitschke, replacing his slogan of "The Jews are our misfortune!" with "Israel is our misfortune!"
Dentro desse movimento destacaram-se os trabalhos dos historiadores Leopold von Ranke e Heinrich von Treitschke, que estao estreitamente ligados a difusao de dois neologismos no vocabulario politico novecentista: a Realpolitik (politica realista) e a Machtpolitik (politica de potencia)".
Embora admitindo tal tipo de leitura, o fato e que Droysen nao fornece um argumento satisfatorio a esse respeito; pelo contrario, as referencias a politica externa perseguida por Bismarck, bem como uma grande parte da correspondencia com Heinrich von Treitschke, parecem apontar numa direcao absolutamente contraria (Cf.
The question of how Jews think of non-Jews continued to evoke heated and often-venomous debates with the rise of pseudo-scientific antisemitism by the late nineteenth century: Like their predecessors, antisemites such as German historian Heinrich von Treitschke utilized, among other things, extracts from ancient Jewish authorities to demonstrate how the idea of the chosen people caused all Jews to despise Gentiles and secretly seek their ultimate destruction.
Lecky, Alice Stopford Green, Leopold von Ranke, Heinrich von Sybel, Johannes Janssen, Felix Dahn, Gustav Freytag, Heinrich von Treitschke, and Johannes Haller.
The third view of national security by Helmut Von Treitschke, a 19th century political thinker from Austria, enunciates that 'The real test of a state's power status is its ability to decide, on its own, whether it should engage in warfare'.
ourselves." (82) German historian Heinrich von Treitschke wrote,
(97) On the contrary, they boasted of this, and it therefore is all the more revealing that American progressives in the late nineteenth century flocked to Germany to study administrative law --even under the influence of men such as Heinrich von Treitschke (the idealist of the Machtstaat).
(13) This identification of Jewishness with modernity and deracination evokes a long-standing antisemitic trope found in the works of Richard Wagner, Heinrich von Treitschke, Werner Sombart, Wilhelm Marr, Otto Weinineger, and Hans Bluher.