free space

(redirected from Slack space)
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free space

(General Physics) a region that has no gravitational and electromagnetic fields: used as an absolute standard. Also called (no longer in technical usage): vacuum
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References in periodicals archive ?
At the end of each file, there remains a space called slack space [15].
ENGLAND TODAY: Put on an old shirt and head down to Slack Space in Colchester, Essex, for a family fabric-printing workshop.
The simple act of turning a computer off and back on can change caches, temporary files, meta information like the dates and times files were created, modified, or accessed, and can also alter slack space and other areas on the drive that may have contained crucial evidence for the case.
Some SSD devices take the novel approach of mining the on-device file structure (e.g., Window's NTFS) for data about which areas of storage contain live data and which areas are slack space awaiting reassignment.
Sources have also informed reporter that in view of slack space for election commission, the nomination papers would be accepted at Tariqabad FC Technical School, where special arrangements have been made to alleviate any problems likely to be faced by masses.