Slack hand

idleness; carelessness; inefficiency; sloth.

See also: Hand

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
On th' other side, ADAM, soon as he heard The fatal Trespass don by EVE, amaz'd, Astonied stood and Blank, while horror chill Ran through his veins, and all his joynts relax'd; From his slack hand the Garland wreath'd for EVE Down drop'd, and all the faded Roses shed: Speechless he stood and pale, till thus at length First to himself he inward silence broke.
A ruler is killed when the killing machine is removed from his slack hand and his eminence is ripped to pieces; blood covers the squares; the palace residents destroy documents; there are uprisings in cities and districts; bare chests attack the rifles of special units; books and pictures are burned.
A slack hand causes poverty, but the hand of the diligent makes rich.
This offers no particular insight into the play's topical and important theme, and the result is dramatically weak, particularly in the feeble prison cell confrontation between Samina and Younis, which reveals a slack hand from director Ben Payne.
Mexico's government, eager to attract new settlers as a way of bolstering its claim to the territory, was content--at first--to rule with a slack hand. Mexico offered sizeable tracts of land for free, and conveniently neglected to collect trade taxes.
Managing director, Derek Slack, along with dealer principle, Tony Slack handed the keys to the Great North Air Ambulance's director of operations, Kevin Hodgson, and head of fundraising, Mandy Drake, at Durham Tees Valley Airport - as pictured above.
First-half goals from Kyle Reardon and Alex Slack handed Wallington three points at Ashington Colliers, and Steve Brown bagged a brace in Red House Farm's success at Seaton Delaval.