Separate estate

Also found in: Legal.
(Law) an estate limited to a married woman independent of her husband.

See also: Separate

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
As this summary to the contents of the books suggests, Wilson engages with more than just heiresses, and, as a result, she not only offers a 'more complex' depiction of the interrelationship of women, marriage and property than previously attempted, but also sustains the conclusion that since all women who married into landed families did not have access to large incomes settled as separate estate, the assumption that all women from wealthy families were well provided for by separate property arrangements is problematic (p.
However, it needs to be distinguished from the second type of settlement on marriage, the trust for separate estate. The detail of this was variable, but it was likely to include provision for a trust which preserved some or all of the wife's property as "sole and separate estate" [Erickson, 1990, p.
States have shared Federal revenues to some extent through the SDTC; some states have imposed separate estate or inheritance taxes.
He makes five different wines, all from separate estate vineyards.
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