Richelieu River

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Richelieu River

(ˈrɪʃəˌljɜː; French riʃəljø)
(Placename) a river in E Canada, in S Quebec, rising in Lake Champlain and flowing north to the St Lawrence River. Length: 338 km (210 miles)
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Please see Kelly's contribution to this issue of The Loyalist Gazette as she shares her historic trek as a Loyalist refugee following a footpath along the Richelieu River from Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu to Chambly, Quebec.
Lawrence River tributary Richelieu River in the small Quebecois town of Saint-Ours, Fonderie Laperle carries on a tradition started in the 19th century, but its melting department is a strictly 21st century operation.
1864 - A train falls through an open swing bridge into the Richelieu River, Quebec, after failing to stop at a signal, killing 99 people.
The Ottawa River, Ontario, Lake Saint Pierre--Saint Lawrence River, and Richelieu River, Quebec and the Allegheny River, Pennsylvania, are the closest locations to New York where suagers are still known to exist and may, with the DEC plan, make a reentry into the state.
The Richelieu River and Lake Champlain have historically been the traditional invasion and trade routes north into Canada or south into New York.
In which country would you find the Richelieu River? 2.
Three American armies launched three separate attacks on Canada in 1812--across the Detroit River from Michigan, and across the Niagara River and along the Richelieu River in New York--but each was rebuffed.
Stephen's--the old stone church in the historic community of Chambly, located in the Montreal South Shore area near the Richelieu River. The hymns included Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah accompanied by two young men on guitars, and the gospel was the passage from Luke about the tax collector who said, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner."
After his allies assembled, feasted and held preparatory ceremonies, they ascended the Richelieu River (then known as the River of the Iroquois).
Deerfield was the closest English colonial settlement to the French base at Fort Chambly on the Richelieu River. The attack occurred because of both local grievances as well as the existing international rivalry between France and England during the War of the Spanish Succession, 17o2-13.
By May 11th, the fleeing soldiers had begun arriving at Sorel, some fifty miles north-east of Montreal, where the Richelieu River enters the St Lawrence.