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Of or relating to the style of architecture popularized by Henry Hobson Richardson in the late 1800s, characterized by rusticated masonry walls and low-centered Romanesque arches.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
It recounts, in the Richardsonian letter form, the experiences of a country girl of good breeding and ideally fine character who is introduced into the life of London high society, is incidentally brought into contact with disagreeable people of various types, and soon achieves a great triumph by being acknowledged as the daughter of a repentant and wealthy man of fashion and by marrying an impossibly perfect young gentleman, also of great wealth.
Portland's United Workmen Temple one of the last standing Richardsonian Romanesque style buildings from the 1890s was demolished last year to accommodate an unremarkable office building.
The Shingle style was an adaptation of several building traditions, including the Queen Anne, Colonial Revival and Richardsonian Romanesque styles.
Richardson, eponym of the Richardsonian Romanesque architectural style.
What are these Richardsonian moments doing in Godwin's novel?
Taylor's argument sounds remarkably Richardsonian. Language, as William Warner, Terry Eagleton, and Terry Castle all point out, is where Clarissa and Lovelace live and where they create who they are.
The Richardsonian Romanesque architectural style of Stewart Hall is juxtaposed with the English Gothic revival style of the church next to it in the mural, the First Methodist Episcopal Church.
Henry Hobson Richardson, who created that style--we actually call Richardsonian Romanesque--was based in Boston and did some amazing work all over.
* "Victorian Houses" (1860-1900)--Second Empire, Stick, Queen Anne, Shingle, Richardsonian Romanesque, Folk Victorian