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References in periodicals archive ?
Outsports. Retrieved from http://www.outsports.com/2014/8/5/5969863/ nate-alfson-gay-baseball-coach-south-dakota-coming-out
Nobody knows this better than Bryce Fehringer, a member of the University of South Dakota swim team, who inspired queer youth everywhere when he shared his story in an essay for Outsports that went vital.
If a lawyer will reveal what he says are the inner-most secrets of a deceased client, it does not bode well for closeted LGBTQ athletes often looking for trusted confidants, Jim Buzinski and Cyd Zeigler say on the website Outsports. Leontire disagrees.
4, 2017), https://www.nytimes.com/ 2017/08/04/sports/olympics/gender-dutee-chand-india.html [http://perma.cc/HXK7-LPK5] (providing an overview of Olympic sprinter Dutee Chand's lawsuit against the International Association of Athletics Federations); Cyd Zeigler, Dutee Chand's early 100-meter exit says a lot about Caster Semenya, Outsports (Aug.
There are about 50 openly lesbian, gay, bisexual or intersex athletes at the Rio Olympics, an increase from the 23 who competed at the last Summer Games in London, (http://www.outsports.com/2016/7/11/12133594/rio-olympics-teams-2016-gay-lgbt-athletes-record) according to Outsports . None of the Rio competitors have publicly come out as transgender, though (http://www.rollingstone.com/sports/features/chris-mosier-first-trans-team-usa-member-w432272) Rolling Stone reported that internal IOC records indicate two trans athletes are there.
(1) A reporter seeking to sensationalise her story ambushed her for the exclusive, but Fox curtailed the involuntary outing by contacting Cyd Zeigler of Outsports to write her story instead.
Missouri All-American Michael Sam came out to the nation as an openly gay player in published interviews with ESPN, The New York Times and Outsports.
An article written by Jim Buzinski on outsports.com mentioned that Sam's draft choice was the lowest ever by an SEC Defensive Player of the Year and two rounds below where Las Vegas bookies had him picked to land.
In an interview with OutSports.com, Davis talked about what it was like being gay in the NFL.
For instance, a headline about the USGA's policy change on the website Outsports.com hailed, "USGA Welcomes Trans Golfers" (Ziegler, 2005).
Patricia Nell Warren, author of The Front Runner and other bestselling novels, has written a series of essays on LGBT sports history (see Outsports.com), collected in The Lavender Locker Room: 3000 Years of Great Athletes Whose Sexual Orientation Was Different (2007).
Martina Navratilova's legal battle with the Rainbow Card, the popular credit card she previously endorsed, is in part due to the company's association with The L Word, a show the tennis great has called "depraved." In an interview with Outsports.com, Navratilova said, "I liked [The L Word] when it first came out; I was a big fan.