

v. t.1.To spin out; to finish.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Now in Season 6, Slot Survivor will return to give prospective online casino players the chance to outbet, outspin and outplay each other for a variety of prizes, including the Grand Prize of a trip to the Monaco Grand Prix to the value of $20,000.
But the attempt by the BBC's former foreign correspondent to outspin the spin doctor backfired.
And here it is: Dear Lord Saviour of our perfidious Albion Healer of Beloved Jonny Wilkinson Make this a very special year Against the cocky south hemisphere Let the Lion savage the All Black And the Pomms win the Ashes back With defeated Aussies so forlorn As Ashley Giles outspins Shane Warne And protect Sir Clive from his wildest boasts Lest he gets his head stuck between Southampton posts And at this time let us think Of those less fortunate than Ourselves particularly Supporters of Scottish Rugby And Wolverhampton Wanderers Amen