Nose around

Also found in: Idioms.
Related to Nose around: follow one's nose
v. look around or search, especially where one has no authority to do so; to pry; to be nosy. Same as nose{2}, v. i.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Herbie wasn't contented, he poked his nose around Middleton's signature bouncy hair and she didn't mind it.
It's just so much fun to nose around people's phones.' THE MIDNIGHT GAMESHOW Michael sneaks into people's bedrooms and wakes them to play a game.
You can have a nose around, as well as pose for selfies in your favourite Friends set between August 3 and August 12.
QUETTA: National Accountability Bureau Balochistan has started tightening nose around the culprits involved in corruption and shred a list of the proclaimed offenders with agencies and other relevant department for their early arrest.On the directives of Director General NAB Balochistan Mirza Mohamamd Irfan Baig, intelligence team headed by Shaikh Mohammad Shaikh and Saqib Siddique has constituted various teams to trace the Proclaimed offenders and other culprits wanted in different corruption related cases at earliest.
He also directed Station House Officer to keep vigil eye on suspected elements and tighten the nose around outlaws specially those involved in drugs selling and pushing.
IBut there are only two of them left and chances are they'll be snapped up soon as people are being invited to have a nose around the showhome.
So it's perfectly fitting that it is Mary who visits these awfully British homes, has a nose around the rooms, meets the families who keep them going, and of course, investigates the food situation.
TREAT Have afternoon tea at the Waldorf Astoria for a nose around this luxurious hotel.
JASON BELLIS.JONES: I keep my dog on a lead on pavements but I let her off when going round Alyn Waters so she can have a good run and a good nose around. She is very well behaved and is as soft as a brush.
Pet rabbits that could be affected by rabbit fleas are also at very high risk - rabbit owners who also have a dog or cat that hunts wild rabbits (or foxes that visit the garden and nose around rabbit hutches) must be particularly careful, in case rabbit fleas are brought back to the pet bunny.