Norway pine

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Norway pine


[Perhaps so called because early English explorers confused the pine with Norway spruce.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Finally the highest of all pole lines was built along West Street, New York--every pole a towering Norway pine, with its top ninety feet above the roadway, and carrying thirty cross- arms and three hundred wires.
All the trees but the three old Norway pines on the bit of lawn before Swaffer's house, and these reminded him of his country.
A variety of timber species of timber were used, commonly creosoted blocks of Norway pine, more latterly Australian hardwoods.
Lisa Kettering, beneath a white pine in the moonlight on the road to Axehandle Lake, and Jerry Coubal's John Deere B through the gate beside the Norway pine with the pigtail twist alongside the lane out back.
With technological acumen and expertise from a professional developer, I created a Web site where one could now find Kamaji not only nestled under acres of Norway pine on the shores of Big Wolf Lake but also simply by Google-searching.
The interrelationship of bark beetles and blue staining fungi in felled Norway pine timber.
Engelmann spruce, lodge pole pine, Norway pine and others.