
(redirected from Judies)
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n, pl -dies
1. (Theatre) the wife of Punch in the children's puppet show Punch and Judy. See Punch
2. (often not capital) slang Brit a girl or woman
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


n abbr of Judith (in Punch and Judy) → Gretel f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
We'd love to feature them: mail@sundaypost.com THE BEACHES The sand, the sandwiches and the sandy sandwiches 4 THE open road The cars, the caravans, the tents and, of course, the midges 6 THE camps The hi-de-hi holidays, the chalets, the dances and the talent shows 8 THE CELEBRATION celebrating 50 years of our national tourism organisation10 THE GREAT OUTDOORS The mountains, the lochs, the fishing, skiing and all the rest THE lIdos The swimmers, the divers and the splashing-arounders 14 THE Islands The ferries, the piers, the scenery and the weather 16 THE ATTRACTIONS The penguins, the parrots and the punch and Judies 18 THE broons The but'n'ben breaks and the country's favourite family 20 50 days OUT The Kelpies, the pandas and all the best attractions today 22
More lately, other populations, specially Arabians, Judies and Japanese people immigrated to Manaus and now are part of this City.
For example, our SS15 POPIDIA collection was inspired by the Benin kingdom in Nigeria and the pop art movement as a tribute to Queen Idia's history and iconography, while the AW15 COSH collection was inspired by Teddy Girls, also known as Judies, a subculture of the Teddy Boys in 1950s Britain -- giving a nod to Teddy Girl fashion, to a style that reinvented utility into elegance.
When this Punch and Judy show was over (with us as the Judies) I asked several government officials what role the Aboriginal people would play in this tourist development.
'A bleedin' bunch of judies with golf clubs jumped you?' Breeney recoiled in amused disbelief.
The delegation was also briefed about the city of Jerusalem, the prisoners' case and Israeli settlement which aim to judies Jerusalem by Israeli policies such as destruction of Palestinians' houses, deportation of Palestinians and the Apartheid Wall that aims to separate the Palestinian territories and seize lands for the Israeli settlement expansion.
I WAS amazed reading Brocklebank's column this week that Louise Baldock, recently arrived Labour councillor for Kensington and Fairfield, had protested about the use of "Judies" to describe the female Labour councillors.
The winners of the tense showdown were the Punch and Judies team from the School of Performing and Creative Arts, who pipped the TAT Crew from the School of Business and Professional Studies to the jackpot.
The need for resistance is acute, however, against a backdrop littered with fakers--"Judge Judies" who are not constrained by the code of judicial conduct; people who tarnish the judiciary's standing with the public for purposes of financial gain.
We call on the Arab and Muslim world to visit Jerusalem and support its people to defend their right to preserve their holy sites, civilization and culture from the occupation and its attempts to judies the area.
CONTROVERSY also rages over Pat Moran's use of the word "judies" last week.