

a.1.Dull; stupid.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
But when Mr Willet appeared--old John himself--so heavy-headed and obstinate, and with such a double chin as the liveliest imagination could never in its boldest flights have conjured up in all its vast proportions--then she stood corrected, and unwillingly admitted to herself that she was broad awake.
'You romantic Daisy!' said Steerforth, laughing still more heartily: 'why should I trouble myself, that a parcel of heavy-headed fellows may gape and hold up their hands?
With him came Aylward and Hordle John, armed as of old, but mounted for their journey upon a pair of clumsy Landes horses, heavy-headed and shambling, but of great endurance, and capable of jogging along all day, even when between the knees of the huge archer, who turned the scale at two hundred and seventy pounds.
The snow lay yards deep in our road; and, as we floundered on, my companion wearied me with constant reproaches that I had not brought a pilgrim's staff: telling me that I could never get into the house without one, and boastfully flourishing a heavy-headed cudgel, which I understood to be so denominated.
It's curious that Dahlgren retained the heavy-headed French-style ramrod for his rifle, perhaps more for aesthetics than anything else, as its extra bulk would really not be needed to properly seat a Minie bullet.
The evening ended, apparently, in Liverpool ONE's Bierkeller on Saturday and following a heavy-headed breakfast no doubt, events moved on to the FA Soccer Centre at Walton where FA Premier League referee Anthony Taylor took charge of a match between a group of Liverpool supporters, including Steve Rotherham MP and VEP Woerden.
I can think of no better application for a heavy-headed invertebrate imitation than schools of deep crappies suspended over soft-bottom basin areas.
He was really a big, heavy-headed, ungainly horse throwing a fit because his companion was gone.
Hansen, "Observations on Georg Brandes's Contribution to the Study of Shakespeare"(148-67); Michael Srigley," 'Heavy-headed revel east and west': Hamlet and Christian IV of Denmark" (168-92); Gunnar Sorelius, "The Stockholm 1944 Anti-Nazi Merchant of Venice: The Uncertainty of Response" (193-206).
Sell, "Henry V and the Strength and Weakness of Words: Shakespearean Philology, Historicist Criticism, Communicative Pragmatics"; Clas Zilliacus, "Notes on Metrical and Deictical Problems in Shakespeare Translation"; Niels Bugge Hansen, "Observations on Georg Brandes' Contribution to the Study of Shakespeare"; Michael Srigley, "'Heavy-headed revel east and west': Hamlet and Christian IV of Denmark"; and Gunnar Sorelius, "The Stockholm 1944 Anti-Nazi Merchant of Venice: The Uncertainty of Response."