Heavy weight

Also found in: Acronyms, Idioms.
References in classic literature ?
She may be saved by your efforts, by your resource and fortitude bearing up against the heavy weight of guilt and failure.
Although drawn downwards by the heavy weight which hastened his rapid descent, it seemed to him as if the fall lasted for a century.
The king looked puzzled -- he wasn't a very heavy weight, intellectually.
Shelby sighed, and felt a heavy weight on her heart, at this allusion.
Occasionally, they sink a cord in the river by a heavy weight, with a buoy at the upper end, to keep floating.
After a while this ceased, and then came the scuffling and shuffling of men's feet as they carried a heavy weight down the steep and winding stairs.
But a heavy weight has fallen on my spirits, my good friend, and the sadness that gathers over me, will yield to neither hope nor reason.'
Jo read it thankfully, but the heavy weight did not seem lifted off her heart, and her face was so full of misery that Laurie asked quickly, "What is it?
The unhappy culprit sustained herself as best a woman might, under the heavy weight of a thousand unrelenting eyes, all fastened upon her, and concentrated at her bosom.
But, remembering the heavy weight of anxiety which she already had on her mind, I hesitated to add to all the other vexations this new trouble.
Elizabeth's mind was now relieved from a very heavy weight; and, after half an hour's quiet reflection in her own room, she was able to join the others with tolerable composure.
Put a heavy weight on top of the box and leave it till evening.