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a.1.(Her.) Having the ends forked or branched, and the ends of the branches terminating abruptly as if cut off; - said of an ordinary, especially of a cross.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
This is a beautiful and very fertile valley, about twenty miles long and five or six broad; a bright cold stream called the Fourche de Glace, or Ice River, runs through it.
In 2015, Yasmin hiked to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, while she has also taken part in various climbs, like the Aiguille du Tour, Tete Blanche, Petite Fourche, and the surrounding peaks on the Col du Midi, in Chamonix, France.
of Leawood, Kansas, acquired the land at the northeast corner of Fourche Dam Pike and Interstate 440.
Morris II, Belle Fourche, South Dakota, argued for appellant; J.
Identified by Gene Williams; Karl Lambert, Arlington, Wash.; Richard Lehr; David Mielke, Belle Fourche, S.D.; Bill Hudson, Millersburg, Mo.; Paul Ryberg; Brad Haines, Wrightsville, Pa.; Cliff Atwood, Front Royal, Va.; and Arthur Humphrey, Brooks, Maine.
The outfit is located on the Belle Fourche River and equipped with a full-time taxidermy service on site.
C'est egalement la premiere equipee de deux freins a disques a l'avant, d'un carenage tete de fourche et d'une peinture integralement noire.
tron[euro]uA*on prioritaire avec la sp[euro]u[c]cificit[euro]u[c] de cr[euro]u[c]er une fourche au niveau de
I was on a low bluff overlooking a bend of the Belle Fourche River, cottonwoods along the stream below; hayfields left, right, and center; timbered ridges rising a few hundred yards away.