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a.1.Of, or relating to, expression; phraseological; also, vividly representing or suggesting an idea or sentiment.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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This approach welcomes a multitude of expressional processes where the concept that wants to emerge is the uniqueness and imaginative processes that individuals can bring onto a collaborative project, which flows and grows towards a common destination.
Nritta (pure dance), Nritya (expressional dance) and Natya (drama) are the key ingredients of this dance form and body, speech, costume/make-up and expression (Angikabhinaya, Vachikabhinaya, Aharyabhinaya and Sattwikabhinaya) form its integral parts.
However, the function in resistance process in Arabidopsis needs further expressional and functional analyses to disclose the role of the presented genes in HM detoxification and accumulation.
The performances include an invocation called 'Mangalacharana' primarily expressing gratitude; 'Dashavatar', a celebration of the triumph of good over evil; 'Basanta Pallavi' welcomes spring, a pleasing season with its blossoms, fragrance filled breezes and colourfulness is very dear to all; and 'Abhinaya I & II' encompasses expressional dance to communicate a story or enacting a song which speaks about love.
The troupe consists of five dancers and six musicians and the performance consists of six items: an invocation called 'Mangalacharana', primarily expressing gratitude; 'Dashavatar', a celebration of the triumph of good over evil; 'Basanta Pallavi' welcomes spring, a pleasing season with its blossoms, fragrance-filled breeze and colourfulness dear to all; 'Abhinaya I & II' encompasses expressional dance to communicate a story or enacting a song that speaks about love; and 'Moksha', the concluding item, wherein the performers depict its importance, which literally means salvation or emancipation.
Expressional control of the "constitutive" isofonns of nitric oxide synthase (NOS 1 and NOS 111).
Our clinical findings, together with CYP17A1 genotypes of the patients, did not correlate with biochemical and hormone results, reflecting the expressional variation of bi-allelic mutations.
Kathak: Kal Se Aaj Tak: the timeless story of life, was a unique dance and music performance, as Alaina demonstrated the evolution of Kathak through the ages from its classical Nritta enactment to its more expressional and contemporary Nritya aspect.
As shown in Figure 3A, the expressional levels of TLR3 and TLR4 in chicken DF-1 cell were increased under stimulation of poly(I:C).
In this study, the authors chose the most relevant tissue (skeletal muscle biopsy for NMDs) based on disease phenotype and transcriptome expressional profile principal component analysis for RNA-seq.
In addition, we examined expressional changes of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and its major receptor tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) using Western blotting analysis.