dumbing down

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dumbing down

nNiveauverlust m; (= simplification)Vereinfachung f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
Annual debates over dumbing down or falling standards are not helping the standards of education in Scottish schools.
RTE broadcaster Eileen Dunne has bemoaned the dumbing down of news and the ongoing issue of the gender pay gap.
"The left has so succeeded in dumbing down people that they've even dumbed down themselves," Limbaugh said on his nationally syndicated weekly radio program.
This often results in a regrettable dumbing down of the mass TV audience, dragging the A-B-C audience to a D level, along with everybody else.
THE Church of England has been accused of "dumbing down" the baptism service, one of the cornerstones of the faith, by changing its wording so parents and godparents no longer have to "repent sins" and "reject the devil".
"Some very intelligent younger women are dumbing down to appear hotter and cuter and putting their looks and image above their brains - the reason being because 'hot' is seen to be desirable," she added.
FLAGSHIP ITV1 dayt ime show Thi s Morning has launched an urgent probe a f t e r a c c u s a t ion s of "dumbing down".
UNIVERSITIES in the North East have defended themselves against accusations of "dumbing down" after figures showed big rises in the number of students getting top degrees.
Yet, for all the dumbing down that his image may have suffered, Gordon Brown made a telling point when faced with the question what he would do if he lost office.
DESPERATE jobseekers are dumbing down their CVs to secure jobs they're overqualified for, according to a global recruitment agency.
THE Welsh host of Mastermind has hit back at claims that the show is dumbing down.
Professor Bruce Fleming told The Washington Post regarding minority students meeting admissions standards, "First of all, we're dumbing down the Naval Academy.