Congress of Vienna

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Related to Congress of Vienna: Concert of Europe, Holy Alliance, Revolutions of 1848

Congress of Vienna

(Historical Terms) the European conference held at Vienna from 1814–15 to settle the territorial problems left by the Napoleonic Wars
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References in classic literature ?
Section H, British Association'--so on, so on!--`Publications: "Some Observations Upon a Series of Kalmuck Skulls"; "Outlines of Vertebrate Evolution"; and numerous papers, including "The underlying fallacy of Weissmannism," which caused heated discussion at the Zoological Congress of Vienna. Recreations: Walking, Alpine climbing.
Sometimes he laughed at her (and his laughter was more pitiful than to hear him cry); sometimes she found the brilliant dandy diplomatist of the Congress of Vienna dragging about a child's toy, or nursing the keeper's baby's doll.
The Congress of Vienna in 1815, which ended the Napoleonic Wars, was predicated on the restoration of dynastic rule - meaning, the restoration of Spanish rule in Latin America.
According to the Congress of Vienna on Diplomatic Relation 1961, diplomatic agents have immunity from any civil or criminal jurisdiction in a receiving state (in this case: Pakistan).
Its policy of neutrality was internationally recognised at the Congress of Vienna in 1815.
The policy of excluding locals from the administration was quickly modified out of practicality, and after the Polish independence became particularly remote with the Congress of Vienna in 1815, their participation was more common.
At the 20th century's beginnings, europe's long peace since the Congress of Vienna was fractured by the fast, disruptive changes of new times, an effect now applicable to the whole world after the long peace following the Second World War.
Which French statesman and diplomat represented France at the Congress of Vienna in 1815?
The Congress of Vienna: Power and Politics after Napoleon, by Brian E.
The term "Eastern Question" used by Davutoy-lu was first heard some 200 years ago at the 1815 Congress of Vienna. While diplomatic greats of the past like Metternich, Palmerston and Talleyrand set down the basic shape Europe was to take at this congress, it was also then that the balances on which the Ottoman state was to base its existence also came about.
Chief among the works explored are those associated with the festivities surrounding the 1814 Congress of Vienna, including Wellingtons Sieg (op.

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