Congregational Church

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Congregational Church

(Protestantism) any evangelical Protestant Christian Church that is governed according to the principles of Congregationalism. In 1972 the majority of churches in the Congregational Church in England and Wales voted to become part of the United Reformed Church
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Congregational Church - a Protestant denomination holding that each individual congregation should be self-governingCongregational Church - a Protestant denomination holding that each individual congregation should be self-governing
Protestant denomination - group of Protestant congregations
Congregationalist - a member of the Congregational Church
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Why, said I, he's a member of the first Congregational Church. Here be it said, that many tattooed savages sailing in Nantucket ships at last come to be converted into the churches.
I don't know anything about Deacon Deuteronomy or his meeeting, said I, all I know is, that Queequeg here is a born member of the First Congregational Church. He is a deacon himself, Queequeg is.
Bedford, a white man from Wisconsin, who was then pastor of a little coloured Congregational church in Montgomery, Ala.
It stood at one end of the main street, its classic portico and small-paned windows looking down a flagged path between Norway spruces to the slim white steeple of the Congregational church. It was clear that the Varnum fortunes were at the ebb, but the two women did what they could to preserve a decent dignity; and Mrs.
Sunday, September 8 will be celebrated as Rally Day' at First Congregational Church in Elgin.
For several years, Our Lady of Good Counsel Church and The First Congregational Church of West Boylston have supported IHN, an organization that unites the religious community (28 churches and synagogues in Worcester and surrounding towns) to serve and nurture homeless families, providing meals, shelter and hospitality regardless of income and family structure.
5 with a holiday concert by the Merrimack Valley Ringers followed by a Brownie Sundae Social at the Congregational Church ($5 suggested donation).
Living the Legacy, LCC, an independent, non sectarian and self funded organization, will act as the community development arm of First Congregational Church of Akron.
The present building was opened in 1811 under the name of The Ebenezer Independent Chapel - later known as Ebenezer Congregational Church before becoming the United Reformed Church in 1972 with the joining of the Congregational Church with the Presbyterian Church of England.
As someone who was raised in Colorado Springs, Colo., from the age of 3 until I was 21 and who attended the First Congregational Church there, I was very moved by Guy McPherson's account of forming Out Loud, the new gay men's community chores [First Person, June 6].
Part of Birkenhead was brought to a standstill after the man scaled the former Oxton Congregational church on Balls Road shortly after 6pm yesterday.
Mr and Mrs Townsend founded the Sunday school PTA at Radford Congregational Church, where they were members.

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