Clifden nonpareil

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Clifden nonpareil

(Animals) a handsome nocturnal moth, Catocala fraxini, that is brown with bluish patches on the hindwings: related to the red underwing
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And the Clifden nonpareil - a moth which has recently become established from Dorset to Kent - has seen numbers boosted by dozens of immigrants from the continent.
Rare moths including the Clifden Nonpareil and Rosy Underwing have also appeared across several southern counties, including Dorset, Hampshire and Sussex.
This species probably won't survive the forthcoming winter, but it seems likely that the stunning Clifden Nonpareil and possibly even the Rosy Underwing, have already established footholds in southern England."
The Clifden Nonpareil, first recorded in Clifden, Buckinghamshire, boasts a striking blue flash on its wings.
"Clifden Nonpareil is one of the most charismatic of British moth fauna and is on every moth recorders' wish list," he said.