Bob Hope

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Related to Bob Hope: Bing Crosby
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Noun1.Bob Hope - United States comedian (born in England) who appeared in films with Bing Crosby (1903-2003)Bob Hope - United States comedian (born in England) who appeared in films with Bing Crosby (1903-2003)
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Bob Hope is cited by the Guinness Book of World Records as the most honored entertainer in the world.
He was known for his catchphrases "swinging" and "dodgy" and introduced some of the world's biggest stars, including Bob Hope, Judy Garland and Frank Sinatra.
Honorary degrees also will go to Broadway and film vaudeville dancer Bunny Briggs; Buster Brown, a veteran of the Copasetics, who continues to perform at New York's Swing 46 on Sunday evenings; Prince Spencer, who spent twenty-nine years with the pioneering Four Step Brothers, appeared in movies with Bob Hope, and danced with the Duke Ellington orchestra at the Cotton Club; and Jimmy "Slyde" Godbolt, who gained recognition for interjecting astonishing sliding techniques between complex steps and turns.
Bob Hope will sue Jay Leno for entertaining the troops in Italy.
Cited by the Guinness Book of World Records as the "most honored entertainer in the world," Bob Hope has accumulated more than 2,000 awards and citations for humanitarian and professional efforts, including 54 honorary doctorates.
In 1980 he rescued the Eltham Little Theatre from closure, raising pounds 58,000 through charity golf games and it was renamed the Bob Hope Theatre in 1982.
? If the Faroe Islands asked me to manage them I'd say you've got two hopes - Bob Hope and No Hope!
LADBROKES took more bets on the Abu Dhabi Championship than they did on the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic last week as the fallout from Setanta's new golf channel continued.
GOLF: American Pat Perez shot a blistering 12-under-par 60 to lead after the first round of the Bob Hope Chrysler Classic in California.
There was a hilarious encounter when I was interviewed on Wogan with Bob Hope and Patrick Duffy.
The son of the late entertainer Bob Hope and former head of the US National Indian Gaming Commission, has died at the age of 63, his sister said.
I WONDERED how long it would be after Bob Hope's death before the jackals would start ripping his memory apart.