Balfour Declaration

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Balfour Declaration

(Historical Terms) the statement made by Arthur Balfour in 1917 of British support for the setting up of a national home for the Jews in Palestine, provided that the rights of "existing non-Jewish communities" in Palestine could be safeguarded
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"Day after day," the foreign ministry added, "the reality of the American intentions and attitudes against the Palestinian people and their rights unfolds in what can be called the obnoxious Trump Declaration or the Balfour Declaration II, which denies the existence of the Palestinian people."
The Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates has dismissed US President Donald Trump's economic vision as part of the proposal for "peace" between Israeli and Palestinians, dubbed "the deal of the century," describing it as a new version of the Balfour Declaration.
Palestinian Foreign Ministry announced in a statement that the summit uncovers the US bias against the Palestinian people for Israel, describing the summit as "Balfour Declaration 2." "The ministry affirms that the American economic project under the name of 'prosperity' constitutes an extension of a political stance completely biased to the occupation [Israel] and its policies; it aims at implementing the colonialism concepts of the Balfour Declaration," the ministry said in the statement.
RAMALLAH, Sunday, June 23, 2019 (WAFA) -- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates described today the new US-led economic plan for the Middle East, titled "prosperity for peace", as the second Balfour Declaration.
The source noted that Britain is responsible for the inauspicious Balfour Declaration that led to Palestine being usurped by Zionists and to displacing millions of Palestinians.
Abbas has vowed to oppose any proposal by the Trump administration, comparing it to the 1917 Balfour Declaration, which saw the British government commit to the creation of a state for Jews in historic Palestine.
She noted that such recognition would not solve the issue, but it would be "re-igniting the spark of hope that has extinguished the hearts of the .Palestinians," as saying She noted the role of Britain in the emergence of the problem in Palestine through the "Balfour Declaration," stressing in this context the need to take responsibility through the revival of the settlement talks.
Israel is a state created by the Zionists with the support of the West after the Balfour declaration.
4 (Petra) -- The Lower House of Parliament on Sunday called on Britain to apologize for the Palestinian people over the "notorious" Balfour Declaration, by which the UK gave, without any right, consent from anyone, the land of Palestine to another people.
The Balfour Declaration was a letter written on November 2, 1917 by British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Lionel Walter Rothschild, in which he expressed the British government's support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine states:
He was foreign secretary from 1916-19 when he made his famous Balfour Declaration, promising the Zionists a homeland in Palestine.
The 1917 Balfour Declaration has never been forgotten or forgiven by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) and Hamas, whose 2018 Gazan supporters do not want to root for a country that voted for it.