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Related to Balearics: Balearen, Islas Baleares, Illes Balears


[ˌbælɪˈærɪks] NPL the Balearicslas Baleares
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
The Saracens captured and pillaged Genoa nine hundred years ago, but during the following century Genoa and Pisa entered into an offensive and defensive alliance and besieged the Saracen colonies in Sardinia and the Balearic Isles with an obstinacy that maintained its pristine vigor and held to its purpose for forty long years.
These baskets contained four pyramids of most splendid fruit; there were Sicily pine-apples, pomegranates from Malaga, oranges from the Balearic Isles, peaches from France, and dates from Tunis.
After all, the Balearics are part of Spain, the world's favourite destination.
The premium applies to everyone aged 16 or over visiting the Balearics, which includes the islands of Majorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.
Chris-Craft Balearics has been appointed to operate alongside Princess Motor Yacht Sales in a deal which aims to fulfil the potential of the Florida boat brand in one of Europe's key yachting destinations.
The firm's Andrew Brown said: "The Balearics, particularly Majorca, are looking incredible value.
Travel Business Review-February 22, 2013--ABTA protests Balearics car hire tax(C)2013] ENPublishing -
His death follows those of several other Britons on the Balearics this summer.
Newcastle's Club LQ - formerly Liquid & Envy - plays host to the Cream Ibiza Classics Tour which will see Danny Rampling, pictured right, and Alex P take to the decks sampling old-school sounds of the Balearics.
BEST FOOT FORWARD The Balearics are a walker's paradise.
Today it's the Balearics - and we have three family holidays up for grabs - each for two weeks.