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(ˈɑːltuːsə; French ɑltusər)
(Biography) Louis. 1918–90, French Marxist philosopher, author of For Marx (1965) and Reading Capital (1965): committed to a mental hospital (1981) after killing his wife
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Writing for educators in the expansive sense--organizers that teach, teachers that organize, campaigners that study, students that campaign--Backer introduces the thought of French philosopher and educator Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-90) to readers new to it, and perhaps new to philosophy as a whole.
[beaucoup moins que]Rien n'est gratuit, tout a un sens![beaucoup plus grand que], retorquerait Louis Althusser, le penseur marxiste francais, aux hordes de conformistes dupes de son epoque.
This essay studies a process set in motion over the course of the 1970s when the works of Jorge Luis Borges were placed in dialogue with the ideas of French Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser. I propose that Althusserianism catalyzes a major shift in the critical reception of Jorge Borges among critics and scholars on the Argentine left.
Love as effect and affection in the life of Louis Althusser: a mountain painted many times
Althusser's concept of the ideological state apparatus ...
Liu examines the intellectual trajectory of Chinese Marxism from its inception to its post-Mao phases of transformation, by comparing it with cultural and aesthetic thinking of Western Marxists, including Gramsci, Adorno, Benjamin, Althusser, Williams and Jameson.
Granting, on these grounds, that culture must have its own internal logics, at least to some extent, Strathausen then restages the late-1960s debate between Jacques Monod and Louis Althusser. Monod, whose book Chance and Necessity was described by Althusser as a 'spontaneous philosophy of the scientists' (p87), argued that culture, having evolved by chance and become semi-autonomous, need have no teleological direction.
lugar de Althusser en lo que los argentinos de entonces podiamos
Aqui se hace referencia a los trabajos de Levi-Strauss, Barthes, Lacan y Foucault, pero sobre todo a los de Althusser. Segun Hall, estos analisis sobre la "produccion de la subjetividad" se movian todavia dentro de una concepcion excesivamente "abstracta", "contingente" y "totalizante" del poder y, por lo tanto, eran incapaces de dar cuenta de manera apropiada de la existencia de una "correspondencia o determinacion de tipo politico" entre las diferentes esferas de una formacion social.