worldly possessions

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Noun1.worldly possessions - all the property that someone possess; "he left all his worldly possessions to his daughter"
belongings, property, holding - something owned; any tangible or intangible possession that is owned by someone; "that hat is my property"; "he is a man of property";
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References in classic literature ?
Of course, we both applauded our mother's resolution; Mary cleared away the breakfast things; I brought the desk; the letter was quickly written and despatched; and, from that day, we heard no more of our grandfather, till we saw his death announced in the newspaper a considerable time after--all his worldly possessions, of course, being left to our wealthy unknown cousins.
Nobody was visible in the elevated road which skirted the ascent save the lad whom they had sent on before them, sitting on the handle of the barrow that contained all Tess's worldly possessions.
"And I need not tell you, my dear Lady Southdown," Pitt continued, in a low voice, and without heeding the interruption, "how fatal a little want of gentleness and caution may be to any hopes which we may entertain with regard to the worldly possessions of my aunt.
Of all my worldly possessions I took no more than the few necessaries that filled the bag.
"That may be; but you know how it was decided for Casimir Perier as to age; and as to worldly possessions, des Lupeaulx does possess something,--not much, it is true, but the law does not take into account increase, which he may very well obtain; commissions have wide margins for the deputies of the Centre, you know, and we cannot openly oppose the good-will that is shown to this dear friend."
Copperfield, that I am not altogether destitute of worldly possessions, and that my daughter is my nearest and dearest relative?'
They de- parted, carrying all my worldly possessions (except a little money I had in my pocket) slung from a long pole.
The wonderful story of the Haksasila family shows how a young family coming from a war torn country with no worldly possessions can end up living out their hopes and dreams in America.
Moving all their worldly possessions in one shipping container (which they turned into a guest house), they moved to the jungle with just PS50,000 in savings.
Nobody knew of the William Saunders-Jane Ryan accounts when Marcos made public the supposed gift of all his worldly possessions to the Filipino people through the Marcos Foundation in January 1970, yet people were skeptical.
'I don't fret about worldly possessions because I think leadership comes from our parents and their wisdom,' he said.
He befriends a fashionable, idle French couple who save him from freezing in an empty bathtub after his worldly possessions, including his clothing, are stolen from his Airbnb immediately after he arrives in Paris.